Friday, September 30, 2011
Dating Women
If you are looking for tips on how to date women, then hopefully this article will give you a few courses of action. When you treat women correctly on the first date, they will likely be open for other dates, regardless of what you look like or your financial position. There is one key ingredient, and that is charm, charm, charm. Although there is such a thing as too flattering, girls will tend to forgive that. There is however, a few must not dos such as:
1) Do not diminish yourself such as
a. Making her feel so important that you lower your status to be less than hers. If you are praising her or giving her a complement, couch it as a double entendre. You will achieve the complement without appearing to be subservient.
b. Asking her to compare you former lovers – on a first date you will always come up short. Do not force this comparison early; it is too soon to get into this level of feedback.
c. Giving her too much control over what happens next on a date. Questions should not be open ended. If you are not sure of what she would like, then give her a list of two, or at most three choices of things to do next. If she is not happy with any of them, then you have not done your homework as to what her needs are. You have screwed up, you deserve to be dumped. (On subsequent dates, you can ask for ideas, but on a first date you should appear to be in control, well planned, but flexible).
2) The next common mistake is trying to impress her too much. Do not boast and crow, and keep mum on your financial information. Just be a reasonably attentive partner, hear and remember what she says, and pick up the bill. Date one is female centric, it is not about you. If she asks questions, then answer them in something more than one word answers, but no answer should take longer than one minute, or else you are in the danger zone of coming across in a negative light.
3) Do not do not make her out to be a princess. That advice is more important if the woman is beautiful. Beautiful women are used to being on a pedestal. Did you ever notice how often that really attractive women are dating hoodlums? That is because bad boys do not put them on a pedestal and they feel like they are being appreciated for who they are. In many cases the bums are abusive, but they like that because it is just different, and different is special to them. Nothing is more tiring to attractive women as getting an unsolicited compliment – they have heard it all before. The better approach is to just ask them something about themselves, such as what they are doing, where they work, etc.
4) Being exclusive too soon in a relationship. Both you and her should be obviously playing the field initially. If you seem too willing to commit exclusively, you will seem needy and diminished in their eyes. No woman wants to be dating a grasping loser. You have to come across as successful in relationships, and therefore more interesting in her eyes.
If you are having trouble getting a desirable woman, then try the following pages to help you zero in on the best female type that you desire:
Online Dating
Dating Adults
Senior Dating
Gay Personals
Lesbian Dating
Swinger Dating
Top Dating Sites
Top 100 Personals Sites
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