Most men out there are not at all familiar with their G-spot, some men don't know that they have one. Some of you have no idea that the male prostrate is the equivalent of the female G spot. Not many people are aware of this fact. It is also easier to find the male G-spot. For some people it may seem weird to probe that area, but if you keep an open mind about it you could experience the best orgasms you could ever hope to have.
The male G-spot is not that hard to locate, however, it does require a little patience. It is between the rectum and the bladder. Lying on your back is about the most convenient way to reach it, so you will most probably need to use a bed or a large sofa. The process will be easier by elevating your legs slightly. You may also want to try putting a pillow or two under your butt to make it easier to reach the right spot. For first timers take it slow and use a gel. Then gently insert your finger into the anus and probe gently, you will know when you have reached the prostate gland when you come across the chestnut sized lump that is roughly about two inches inward.
If your partner is on his back your palm should be up, be sure your fingernails are not sharp, and be sure not to touch your own genital area with the same finger you used to penetrate your partners anus. Keep in mind that not all men like prostate stimulation just as many females love G-Spot stimulation and others find it distracting. Once located and properly stimulated it will create an orgasm that is more stimulating than they have ever had with regular intercourse.
Prostate milking as it is also called also enables the man to have multiple orgasms that are longer in duration and gives them the ability to ejaculate without being sexually aroused before hand. It has been noted that the orgasms achieved this way can be four hundred percent more exciting and can persist for 5 minutes. Male G-spot stimulation produces a full body orgasm.
Before you and your significant other start playing with his G-Spot, it is a good idea to get as relaxed as possible. Some people will actually have a nice hot shower before they proceed. Use a finger to locate and stimulate the G-spot if afraid or you are a beginner, there are sexual adult toys you can get that will help you get started. You can also try different methods each time for variety. Stroking the penis while gently manipulating the G-spot is one option.
People often think that for a man to play with his own G-spot is unnatural or gay, which is one reason a lot of men do not talk about it or ask question's about it. The truth is that prostate milking is as normal as any form of masturbation, it is not something to be hidden, and it is not gay. There is nothing strange about enjoying the pleasures of self manipulation. As a very powerful sex gland it can cause a very powerful orgasm, and it is perfectly normal to experiment with it.
There are some risks associated with anal stimulation if it is not done correctly|. Too much force on the prostate gland could lead to serious health conditions such as transferring cancer, blood poisoning, infections, and hemorrhoids. The amount of recommended pressure on the G-spot is about the same as you would use to rub your eyes with.
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