Friday, January 27, 2012
My Bondage Date
I was having a lot of trouble getting a date. I mean, even my family tried to set me up with some girls they knew but nothing really came out of it, not even a second date. “Hey” I'm not a bad looking guy and I have a decent job so whats the problem? It appears that I had one bad night and now I'm branded for life in my normal circle of acquaintances.
So here is my sad tale of woe, and hopefully you will learn something from it.
It all started when I was asked to go to a formal dance with some friends of mine. Because of the formal nature of the dance, I was expected to wear dress pants and jacket, as opposed to the more casual attire I usually went clubbing in. The pants were not an issue as I had a couple of suitable pairs. I did not have a proper jacket, so I set out to buy one. Not being a fashion mavin I generally just rely on the opinions and suggestions of the store clerks. I told him I was going out dancing at a nice place an needed a jacket to go with my black pants. He indicated that they had some really great, inexpensive jackets that they had imported from Mexico recently. I immediately liked the color. I thought that the yellow shade would make me stand out and I was trying to make a positive impression. The material seemed a bit rough, but the price was great so I bought one and proudly carried it home with me.
I pulled out all the stops that night! Showered, shaved, new aftershave, then I put on my dress pants and new jacket. My dad passed as I finished, winked and said “Nice Duds.” I looked in the mirror believing I looked like a million bucks. I didn't notice the loose thread on the shoulder of my jacket. Unfortunately that little thread would prove to be my downfall before the end of the evening.
I met my buddies at the dance. It was packed with lots of people that I knew and many more that I did not. My buddies had set this date up with me and she was a bit late. That did not bother me too much because it gave me a chance to hang with my friends and relax a bit. She was pretty cute, and seemed to be in a big hurry to get on the dance floor and strut her stuff. I remember holding her close as she had her arms around my neck. After we danced a couple of numbers, I noticed that she was playing with something on the back of my jacket. When I asked what she was doing, she indicated that it was a loose thread and was going to just pull it out.
She started to pull the thread, but instead of breaking, it just kept coming out. It got long enough to reach the floor I remember they were playing a new version of an old standard by Elvis Presley called “All Shook Up”. As the thread fell on the floor, it began to get tangled around several ankles. The faster they danced the more entangled they became. Someone tripped and fell into a table, spilling everything on it all over the place. Other people tripped and the disaster increased. By the time the dust settled, six people were on the floor and six tables full of drinks were overturned. What a mess! My buddies hightailed it out the exit laughing their guts out. My date just walked off in a huff! I was all on my own.
The owner of the dance club came up to me and said, “What the hell are you trying to do, sabotage my business?” As I stood there alone wishing I could just crawl under the table and hide, people began to snicker and curse me. The owner quick marched me out of his establishment, and threw the wad of yellow string at me as I exited. The only part of my yellow jacket that I was still wearing as I exited into the night was one sleeve. As I headed home, my evening ruined, I took what was left of my new jacket and threw it in a trash can along the way.
So that is my tale of woe! No sane woman who knew me, or knew of me, would date me. My reputation and $500.00 could not even buy me a hooker!!
My sister eventually suggested that I try an online dating site. She said I would probably find someone who hasn't heard of my jacket fiasco. After careful consideration I decided to give the dating site idea a go. Hell I had nothing to lose but my self respect (oh wait, I had already lost that) and everything to gain. I picked one at random, but had no luck. So I googled dating, and was overwhelmed at the number of sites. Which one would be the best for me. I tried the top site POF.com – stands for plenty of fish, but I did not have much luck on it. My sister came to my rescue again and suggested the link that I will share below. It has a big list of quality dating sites to choose from. I signed up to a couple of sites, and finally met someone who can take me for who I am, and not the idiot who bought a cheap jacket once.
So if you are looking for a date, then check out the link below. If it worked for me, then it can work for anyone.
Best Dating Sites
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Male Orgasm
The male orgasm can be an exciting experience, the major function of the male orgasm is there lease of sperm, however not all men ejaculate with orgasm. The female orgasm is however still a bit of a mystery as to why it happens, it is generally believed that it is to help the sperm proceed along on their journey toward the ovum (egg).
Most men are not at all familiar with their G-spot, some men don't know that they have one. Some of you will be surprised to learn that the male prostate is in fact the equivalent to the women's G-spot. Not many people are aware of this fact. It is also easier to find the male G-spot. For some people it may seem depraved to probe that area, but if you keep an open mind about it you could experience the best orgasms you could ever hope to have.
The male G-spot is quite easy to locate, however, it does require a bit of trial and error. It is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Lying on your back is on of the more comfortable and convenient ways to reach it, so you will likely want to use a bed or a large couch. The process is less problematic if you have your legs elevated which you can do by having them hang over the back of the sofa or by leaning them against the wall behind the bed. Try putting a pillow under your butt to make it easier to reach the right spot. For neophytes take it slow and use a gel. Then slowly insert your finger into the anus and probe slowly, you will know when you have reached the prostate gland when you come across the small lump the size of a chestnut that is roughly about two inches inward.
If your partner is on his back your palm should be up, it is actually a good idea to use a rubber glove, but lacking that, make sure that your fingernails are not sharp, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards before touching yourself anywhere. Always remember that not all men like prostate stimulation just as some women love having their G-Spot massaged and others find it uncomfortable. Once located and properly stimulated it will provide men with an orgasm that is more stimulating than they have ever had with regular intercourse.
Prostate milking as it is also called also enables the man to experience multiple orgasms that are longer in duration and gives them the ability to ejaculate without being sexually aroused before hand. Orgasms achieved through prostrate milking can be four times more satisfying and can persist for five minutes. Male G-spot stimulation produces a full body orgasm.
Before you and your significant other begin anal g-spot manipulation, you should take the time to make sure you are relaxed and not just start up in the heat of the moment. Some people will actually have a nice hot bath before beginning. Using a finger is the best way to locate and provide stimulation to the G-spot if you are unsure or you are a newbie to this, there are sexual devices you can obtain that will aid in male g-spot massage. You can also try different methods each time for variety. Rubbing the penis while gently manipulating the G-spot is one option.
Many people believe that for a man to play with his own G-spot is unnatural or gay, which is why it is not done that often. The truth is that prostate milking is as normal as any form of masturbation, it is not something to be hidden, and it is not gay. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the pleasures of self g-spot masturbation. As a very powerful sex gland it can cause a very intense orgasm, and it is entirely normal to experiment with it.
There are some risks associated with prostate milking if it is not performed correctly|. Applying too much pressure on the prostate gland could lead to serious health conditions such as Gangrene, Hemorrhoidal problems, Blood poisoning and Transferring prostate cancer to various parts of the body. The recommended pressure on the G-spot is comparable to the amount of pressure you would use to rub your eyes with.
For other health topics and advice visit this link.
Most men are not at all familiar with their G-spot, some men don't know that they have one. Some of you will be surprised to learn that the male prostate is in fact the equivalent to the women's G-spot. Not many people are aware of this fact. It is also easier to find the male G-spot. For some people it may seem depraved to probe that area, but if you keep an open mind about it you could experience the best orgasms you could ever hope to have.
The male G-spot is quite easy to locate, however, it does require a bit of trial and error. It is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Lying on your back is on of the more comfortable and convenient ways to reach it, so you will likely want to use a bed or a large couch. The process is less problematic if you have your legs elevated which you can do by having them hang over the back of the sofa or by leaning them against the wall behind the bed. Try putting a pillow under your butt to make it easier to reach the right spot. For neophytes take it slow and use a gel. Then slowly insert your finger into the anus and probe slowly, you will know when you have reached the prostate gland when you come across the small lump the size of a chestnut that is roughly about two inches inward.
If your partner is on his back your palm should be up, it is actually a good idea to use a rubber glove, but lacking that, make sure that your fingernails are not sharp, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards before touching yourself anywhere. Always remember that not all men like prostate stimulation just as some women love having their G-Spot massaged and others find it uncomfortable. Once located and properly stimulated it will provide men with an orgasm that is more stimulating than they have ever had with regular intercourse.
Prostate milking as it is also called also enables the man to experience multiple orgasms that are longer in duration and gives them the ability to ejaculate without being sexually aroused before hand. Orgasms achieved through prostrate milking can be four times more satisfying and can persist for five minutes. Male G-spot stimulation produces a full body orgasm.
Before you and your significant other begin anal g-spot manipulation, you should take the time to make sure you are relaxed and not just start up in the heat of the moment. Some people will actually have a nice hot bath before beginning. Using a finger is the best way to locate and provide stimulation to the G-spot if you are unsure or you are a newbie to this, there are sexual devices you can obtain that will aid in male g-spot massage. You can also try different methods each time for variety. Rubbing the penis while gently manipulating the G-spot is one option.
Many people believe that for a man to play with his own G-spot is unnatural or gay, which is why it is not done that often. The truth is that prostate milking is as normal as any form of masturbation, it is not something to be hidden, and it is not gay. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the pleasures of self g-spot masturbation. As a very powerful sex gland it can cause a very intense orgasm, and it is entirely normal to experiment with it.
There are some risks associated with prostate milking if it is not performed correctly|. Applying too much pressure on the prostate gland could lead to serious health conditions such as Gangrene, Hemorrhoidal problems, Blood poisoning and Transferring prostate cancer to various parts of the body. The recommended pressure on the G-spot is comparable to the amount of pressure you would use to rub your eyes with.
For other health topics and advice visit this link.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Plenty Of Freaky Chicks
I vaguely remember emailing a girl on POF shortly after I first joined, but did not worry about it when she did not reply. Dating sites are like shooting with a shotgun – some of your pellets hit the target, but many miss. But after a couple of weeks went by and I had totally forgotten about her, I saw that she had finally replied and left her phone number. I was a bit surprised however when her email included her phone number. I mean, I had never even communicated with her before. In hindsight, I likely should have tossed that email, but I was in the dumps because I had not had a date in some weeks, so I decided to text her.
She told me that she wold love to meet me one day, and maybe go for coffee or something. So after about 70 text messages from her over a span of two days, I agreed to see her. She had to drive about sixty miles to see me, so I was kinda flattered about that.She was pretty hot in person. Better than her photos on the site. She was wearing a nice perfume that was not overpowering. In all, the physical package was nice. On top of that we seemed to hit it off really well. Our coffee get together lasted quite a while, so we whiled away a couple of hours in the park and I took her to supper as well. I was a bit surprised when she suggested that I come to her house for the night, but I accepted willingly. As we drove to her house, we snuggled and then started to stroke each other. I had to back off because she started to really get into it at one point and almost went off the road. When we reached her house, we settled in on the couch listening to music and picking up on what we had started in the car.
Suddenly, she started getting text messages by the dozens and she started to focus on replying to them. Then her phone started to ring as well, and she kept answering it. I started to get very annoyed that she was spending all that time with the phone instead of me. Not only that, but when she was not talking on her cell phone or texting someone, she was telling me about her ex-boyfriend. Like I cared! So I made polite noises at the right times while I sat there totally bored by this new twist. But hey, I must have done something right because we eventually had sex so it was worth listening to her shit. We were hardly done before she jumped out of bed and scurried down the hall to her friend's room. She never returned. I thought, “What the hell's up with that? Does that girl have a few screws missing or something?” So I just laid back down and went to sleep, alone and somewhat confused.
When I woke up, I decided that this was all too weird for me and decided to get out of here as soon as possible. As I opened the bedroom door, I saw her roommate standing there looking at me as if I was something squirmy. Her roommate triggered all my psycho chick alarms. I have no idea why. Then it struck me. She was looking at me as if I was competition. These two ladies had a thing for each other but it seemed that the one who picked me up was bisexual. Just to needle her a bit, I decided to take a shower. But the joke was on me. The water smelled so bad that I ended up smelling worse afterwards than I did before. That really put me in an ugly mood.
After I dressed again, I went back to the bedroom and waited for my date to come in so I could find out what the hell was going on. Mostly, I just wanted to know how I was going to get home. When she finally showed up, she told me that she was in crap up to her eyeballs because she had taken the car yesterday without permission. Her friend's mother had read her the riot act and kicked her out. She had an hour to pack up and leave permanently.
I noticed she looked like she was on something and her roommate looked all strung out as well. A weird looking guy came over to take us to her (my date's) mother's house. The house was set back about a half mile from the road. When we got there, there was a bunch of sorry looking people hanging around. They all looked like they were on something pretty powerful, and from the strange smell around, I guessed that they were actually cooking up a batch of something out back someplace. Most of them were just laying around listening to overbearingly loud obnoxious music. Really strange. If it was in black and white it would have been like a nightmare scene from some B grade horror movie. I started to get a little worried; almost fearful.
One if these guys stirred himself enough to tell me which train I needed to take home. My date and her mother left me standing there for a few minutes, and when they returned, we left. I guess the plan was to drop off my date and her mother someplace and then have me ferried to the train station, because that is what ended up happening.
I finally realized what it was about this guy that rubbed me the wrong way. He had his teeth filed of all things! All of his front teeth were pointed. If his objective was to look like a werewolf, then he was successful. Just needed a bit more hair. Maybe a beard would have helped. He kept grinning at me once in a while and I was starting to get concerned. His constant grinning was getting to me. The longer I was with him the more I was certain that I would crap my pants. I had to clinch my cheeks together as tight as I could and hoped I would get home in one piece. I was beginning to think he was going to take me all the way home, but he finally stopped at a train station and let me out. I thanked him and literally ran inside.
I had ended up missing the train I was supposed to catch and ended up waiting there for the next one. I had to while away three hours in Nowheresville. Of course, to cap off a perfect adventure, I did not have enough money on me to make buy a ticket all the way back. Perfect! So I got of about an hour from my home and thumbed it the rest of the way. It had turned into a damp cold, drizzly day, and by the time I got home I was pretty demoralized. The first thing I did was to take a hot shower to wash the stink off and warm up.
POF or Plenty Of Fish should be called Plenty Of Freaky People from my experience. From now on I will gladly pay any dating service I join. I have learned that some times free is not always the best way to go. And some sites are not always safe because any moron, freak and weirdo can also join, just because it is free.
Not all free dating sites are crappy. I concede that my experience with POF might have been outside the norm. Either way, I decided to cancel my account on POF and go elsewhere.
In my search for something other than POF I came upon a link that took me to some great dating sites, you might want to give it a try if your fed up with sites like the one I was using. All dating sites have some inherent risk to them, but usually it is a lot less than that of meeting someone in a bar. In any event, if you are reasonably careful, you are unlikely to have any problems. The link below is one that I have used successfully. I trust it will be a valuable resource for you as well.
Top Dating Sites
Friday, January 6, 2012
Who Needs MILF Dating
Never mentioned in polite company, the acronym MILF is now not only currently in vogue, but what every man wants. It seems everywhere you look you come across another free MILF dating site with delicious, attractive sexy sirens. Young men everywhere want to have sex with their chums Moms and MILF’s often have similar desires of bedding their son's pals.
Things have clearly taken a turn for the better for the horny MILF. Not only can you find them on, dating sites but, they also have their own free MILF dating sites. Other online dating services and sites realize how appealing and sexy a MILF is and have designed a category just for the mature and delicious woman, aka a MILF.
It’s good to know that a woman who’s experienced more in life, is seen and wanted by men everywhere. Sadly, at one time, men were too shy to pursue more mature women, largely because Hollywood served up an image that made a mature woman nothing more than a house wife in an apron serving dinner.
I end this article confident that all woman can be hot and appealing at any age, even if she has one, or more children. Thankfully we have MILF dating sites, online personal sites and many other places young hot blooded men can go to find a wonderful, vivacious MILF.
If you are looking for other sites than those specializing in MILF Dating, then these are the links for you:
Free Online Dating
Dating Adults
Senior Dating
Dating Lesbian
Dating Couples
Top 10 Dating Sites
Top 100 Personals Sites
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