If you are trying to find someone new out there on the dating scene, you know what a challenge it can be. Many of the new people that you meet will never become more than just casual acquaintances, while a few others may turn into strong friends. Perhaps one of them will actually be the proverbial soul mate that all daters are seeking.
During this quest for your life mate, you will likely find that you will have a lot of great sex with new people that you meet. Not that there is anything wrong with that. After all, adult relationships almost always revolve around sex. Having sex with a bunch of new partners requires you to use Condoms. You would be an idiot not to.
I know that a lot of fellas, and ladies too, don’t like condoms. They dull the sensation quite a bit for men, and thus may also make sex less pleasurable for women as well. If you had to put a condom on your tongue before eating, there would be no fat people in the world. You may not starve, but it can certainly remove much of the pleasure! However, in this day and age, you should always wear one. It’s just smart.
At least there are some fun choices for the selection of your little rubber buddies now. There are now more choices than just slippery or dry. There are some really kinky condoms out there for the adventurous – flavored, and colored, and studded, and ribbed. Buyer beware, many novelty condoms are just that, novelties. They make no promise of inhibiting pregnancy or STD's. These types of novelty condoms are just meant to have some fun with. For serious sex, stick to the boring drug store variety for the most part
Some of the more unique types of condoms raising their heads are quite amusing. First off, there is the “In-spiral Condom”. It is a spiral ribbed condom that is really catching on quickly. U.S. Surgeon Dr. A. Reddy, who also invented the prototype of the original female condom, did the fundamental research that lead to its development. When worn, the spiral ribbing makes the penis look like a giant screw. There have been very positive reviews on this product and sales are taking off like wildfire. Both men and women are raving about the intensity of the sensations that they feel. I guess being screwed has taken on a whole new meaning, and this in a good context for a change.
And for those who desire more duration, there is the so called "Viagra Condom". It stimulates a longer and more protracted erection. It is designed for dudes who have a hard time keeping it up once the condom is on. Even the best of us have occasional problems in this arena, so I am going to keep one of these babies in my packsack of sexual goodies.
On a side note, I have been watching a lot of “survival” television programs lately – the kind where someone is lost and needs to survive in the wild. Almost every emergency and/or survival kit out there these days has a few condoms in there. And for good reason! They can be used as a water-proof case for matches, electronics, or anything that will fit in there. Also, they can hold up to a GALLON of water for drinking and transportation. Pretty handy for something so compact! Add a few to your emergency kit for when the grid goes down.
A gallon of water! That surprised me. Especially considering that the average ejaculate a man expends during sex is one and a half teaspoons. Overkill!

Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Happy Guys Turn Leave Women Cold
So the University of British Columbia (that’s in Canada folks), did a study of just over 1000 people divided evenly between men and women of all ages, and found some rather surprising results. (American Psychological Association Journal "Emotion")
The study had the people view pictures of the opposite sex where the pictures showed people displaying demeanor's of shame, happiness, pride or a more neutral expression. They then rated the attractiveness of each from one to nine.
All women tended to prefer proud, successful looking men, and younger women also rated shameful and brooding men very highly. For some reason, all age groups were not that attracted to pictures of men who were happy.
Likely women are attracted to successful looking guys because of the security that they represent. With the nurturing nature of most women there is a natural tendency to look for a good provider to hook up with. Bad Boys, on the other hand, with their brooding expressions likely attract females because they think that they can fix them and make them wholesome and happy (hmm -- at which point they would likely have to dump them because women are not that attracted to happy guys – then the guy would be unhappy and brooding again, so some other woman can take a turn at bat).
Because we are creatures of millions of years of evolution with just a couple of thousand years of social skills layered on, women are instinctively attracted to good hunters (successful men) who can keep them and their children fed. Bad ass dudes would be able to provide them protection.
Men on the other hand find happiness and laughter in women the most attractive trait, while pride is a turn off. The happiness makes sense, because most guys put up with crap on the job all day and just do not want to face it at night as well.
Women with a shameful expression were also somewhat attractive to men. The shame thing might just be a hint that you have a bit of bad girl in you so they are curious to see just how bad you are.
Using our cave man analogy again, what cave man in his right mind would want to come home from a hard day hunting animals and find that the wife had already cooked a meal from a rabbit she killed with a stone and roots she had already dug up – makes him look second rate after all.
So what can we derive from this study:
1) For Guys, you want to come across as confident and successful (the pro sports player, or successful entrepreneur). If you cannot pull that off, and you are after a younger woman, then try for a brooding James Dean / early Marlon Brando sort of look. In fact, if you can pull off the successful yet brooding and thoughtful man look, you will have females licking at your feet. For both of these looks, to hold onto them past the initial attraction, you do not kowtow to women. In fact, you will likely get your best traction by refusing to dote on them. Treating them like one of the guys is a better approach than treating them like princesses.
2) For Women, you want to be seen as happy go lucky, never complain, and never put your man down.
For other relationship advice see:
The study had the people view pictures of the opposite sex where the pictures showed people displaying demeanor's of shame, happiness, pride or a more neutral expression. They then rated the attractiveness of each from one to nine.
All women tended to prefer proud, successful looking men, and younger women also rated shameful and brooding men very highly. For some reason, all age groups were not that attracted to pictures of men who were happy.
Likely women are attracted to successful looking guys because of the security that they represent. With the nurturing nature of most women there is a natural tendency to look for a good provider to hook up with. Bad Boys, on the other hand, with their brooding expressions likely attract females because they think that they can fix them and make them wholesome and happy (hmm -- at which point they would likely have to dump them because women are not that attracted to happy guys – then the guy would be unhappy and brooding again, so some other woman can take a turn at bat).
Because we are creatures of millions of years of evolution with just a couple of thousand years of social skills layered on, women are instinctively attracted to good hunters (successful men) who can keep them and their children fed. Bad ass dudes would be able to provide them protection.
Men on the other hand find happiness and laughter in women the most attractive trait, while pride is a turn off. The happiness makes sense, because most guys put up with crap on the job all day and just do not want to face it at night as well.
Women with a shameful expression were also somewhat attractive to men. The shame thing might just be a hint that you have a bit of bad girl in you so they are curious to see just how bad you are.
Using our cave man analogy again, what cave man in his right mind would want to come home from a hard day hunting animals and find that the wife had already cooked a meal from a rabbit she killed with a stone and roots she had already dug up – makes him look second rate after all.
So what can we derive from this study:
1) For Guys, you want to come across as confident and successful (the pro sports player, or successful entrepreneur). If you cannot pull that off, and you are after a younger woman, then try for a brooding James Dean / early Marlon Brando sort of look. In fact, if you can pull off the successful yet brooding and thoughtful man look, you will have females licking at your feet. For both of these looks, to hold onto them past the initial attraction, you do not kowtow to women. In fact, you will likely get your best traction by refusing to dote on them. Treating them like one of the guys is a better approach than treating them like princesses.
2) For Women, you want to be seen as happy go lucky, never complain, and never put your man down.
For other relationship advice see:
Saturday, October 8, 2011
MILF's And Cougars Are Almost The Same In The Eyes Of Their Admirers
Young men are increasingly gravitating to older women when dating. Popular shows like Sex In the City, Weeds and Desperate Housewife's are opening up the eyes of the younger generation males to the delights of dating an older woman. Cougars are happy with this new outcome, because it gives them a much larger pool of young virile dudes to select from. You just gotta love that!
Before you dive into the cougar pool, you may want to take a closer look though. They do, after all, call them cougars for a reason!
First the pluses. Dating an older woman brings with it her inherent experience. Primarily, it’s her sexual experience that intrigues most men. After all, by the time a woman is in her 40’s, she will presumably have had a number of lovers, and will have learned some interesting things in her experiences. When I dated a MILF, I was constantly surprised at her abilities in the bedroom. She knew what she was doing, and was happy to teach me a thing or two!
Secondly, most cougars have an income of their own and usually know how to live inside of it. Most young women are saddled with debt, and as such, them men have to treat them to everything. MILF's may be a bit strained financially, but most of them have learned to budget and look after their money. They might not shower you with it, but they are also unlikely to be a burden.
For most men, the best thing about dating a more mature woman is the fact that they are just more straightforward. They are past the princess stage, and are into real life. They know what they want and will usually just tell you. No guesswork, no crap, just mutual satisfaction.
Of course every silver lining has a gray cloud lurking inside. The issue with many MILF's is that they usually do not have the cutesy little anorexic body that many young men seem to seek out. That can be a good thing or a bad thing. If you are a breast man, most MILF's do indeed have larger boobs, but along with that usually comes some other padding. In most cases it is not all that much, and in fact can be a welcome change to having bones digging into you during sex. The good news is that most women are now turning to various forms of exercise to try to keep their bodies toned. If you find one of these, you have the best of all worlds.
Second, a MILF can be more bossy and/or controlling than a young woman. She may slide into a “motherly” role with a young man, and expect to have a lot of the control in their relationship. This can be dealt with by having open and honest communication, though, and is easily remedied.
The social stigma of a past generations is gone. An older woman with a younger man is totally acceptable now. All the barriers are gone.
So like the Nike commercial – just do it! Visit the link below:
Before you dive into the cougar pool, you may want to take a closer look though. They do, after all, call them cougars for a reason!
First the pluses. Dating an older woman brings with it her inherent experience. Primarily, it’s her sexual experience that intrigues most men. After all, by the time a woman is in her 40’s, she will presumably have had a number of lovers, and will have learned some interesting things in her experiences. When I dated a MILF, I was constantly surprised at her abilities in the bedroom. She knew what she was doing, and was happy to teach me a thing or two!
Secondly, most cougars have an income of their own and usually know how to live inside of it. Most young women are saddled with debt, and as such, them men have to treat them to everything. MILF's may be a bit strained financially, but most of them have learned to budget and look after their money. They might not shower you with it, but they are also unlikely to be a burden.
For most men, the best thing about dating a more mature woman is the fact that they are just more straightforward. They are past the princess stage, and are into real life. They know what they want and will usually just tell you. No guesswork, no crap, just mutual satisfaction.
Of course every silver lining has a gray cloud lurking inside. The issue with many MILF's is that they usually do not have the cutesy little anorexic body that many young men seem to seek out. That can be a good thing or a bad thing. If you are a breast man, most MILF's do indeed have larger boobs, but along with that usually comes some other padding. In most cases it is not all that much, and in fact can be a welcome change to having bones digging into you during sex. The good news is that most women are now turning to various forms of exercise to try to keep their bodies toned. If you find one of these, you have the best of all worlds.
Second, a MILF can be more bossy and/or controlling than a young woman. She may slide into a “motherly” role with a young man, and expect to have a lot of the control in their relationship. This can be dealt with by having open and honest communication, though, and is easily remedied.
The social stigma of a past generations is gone. An older woman with a younger man is totally acceptable now. All the barriers are gone.
So like the Nike commercial – just do it! Visit the link below:
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