Saturday, November 26, 2011
Is Love Waiting For You
As I did my daily routine of running through the creek behind my house one sunny fourth of July last year, I was looking in awe at the fallen trees, and the weeds that some people would argue are flowers, and smelling the water in the creek (that I know comes from the sewers), when a bird pooed on my head. I thought “oh well” just another ordinary day. As I ran along, I bumped into a acquaintance of mine that I will call Stinky and please don't ask why I call him that, I think it should not be a mystery to you. As we walked, I mentioned to him that a bird had done its business on the top of my head, and he replied “where is that tree you were walking under, its good luck”. If I had thought for one minute that it was good luck I would have rolled in it, (as you may have figured Stinky really doesn’t have much of a social life, but then again, neither do I).
Our biggest problem is communicating with the opposite sex. Stinky can usually make a few vowel sounds, then he has to go away. I’m a little more relaxed since I work with mostly women anyway. I can usually start a conversation with them before I start to sweat and have any confidence suddenly elude me, then I have to politely excuse myself.
Stinky feels that women's standards are too high when it comes to dating, however, I beg to differ. I really don't believe for a minute the women suggesting that he have a shower before picking her up is classified as “high standard”. Stinky may be the smelliest guy I know, but he is one of the nicest (nicest not brightest). However, he does sometimes on occasion come up with pretty off the wall idea's that make a lot of sense, but I'm not sure about this one. “We will join a Dating Site” he cried out. I said before sometimes he comes up with smart idea's but this wasn't one of those times. He proceeded to inform me that a friend at work gave him the idea(some friend). “Is this the same friend that leaves deodorant and body wash on your desk?” I asked. “It sure is! He's a very thoughtful person,” (ya right). Stinky said “My friend met a wonderful women on a dating site,” (what women?? the guy he's talking about is a homosexual.) “Why would your homosexual friend use a dating site to meet women?” I asked, “I think your getting in over your head”. In the end, and after weeks of dodging Stinky and his not so bright idea, I finally decided to give in just to make him happy.
As I tried to sleep that night, all I could think about was the last date I had, which had not ended under the best of circumstances. I’m sure the woman I'll call “hungry”, hadn’t eaten in a week prior to our date and she must have thought I owned an oil well or something! After she had gobbled up several hors d'Ĺ“uvres, as well as several other side dishes, expensive wine and a double order of lobster, I checked the balance on my Visa card, then to my horror she suggested we order desert! “Desert!?” I quickly reminded her that this was not an all you can eat dinner, she then jumped up called me things I've never heard before and stormed to the door. Like the desperate person I am, I ran after her and asked if she would like to see me again, at which time she slugged me with her hand bag (I guess that meant no!). So I went back to the table and sat alone looking at the bill she had run up and wondered if I would be able to get lots of overtime at work next week to pay for it.
I started to have second thoughts about joining a dating site, but since my best friend had his heart set on it (and knowing he would do anything for me), I decided to go through with it. It turned out to be the best move that we had ever made. Stinky and I both joined a Dating Site, and it wasn’t long before we had responses from some beautiful ladies. We were both very scared and excited to think that we might no longer have to prop up blowup dolls on our couches so the neighbors would see the silhouette and think we actually had lives. Stinky asked me “what should I do to get ready?”I said “just get in the shower, turn that water on, use that bar of soap (you can't take it with you) and scrub your worries down the drain”, (as well as the dirt and body odor of course).We double dated that evening to support each other, and we had a mind blowing time. We ate, had some drinks, and danced the night away. Stinky took me aside and confided in me, that even though he had just met this women, he knew this was the one. I gave him a bear hug, and said “follow your heart,” and he did. She seemed to take to him as well, surprisingly!
Well I don't call him Stinky anymore, (no one does now that he has learned basic hygiene). He is above all, my best friend. Devon is still with that wonderful women he met on that dating site. This was eight years ago and after dating for some time, they took the plunge. They had one child and are expecting another any time now. As for me, it took a little longer, but I finally found the love of my life, and we are expecting our first child soon. Life is great and it keeps getting better!
Its true what they say, there's someone for everyone. You just have to look in the right place. Some times it just takes someone who cares about you to push you in the right direction . Life is too short and precious to spend it alone, wondering what it would be like to have someone to share it with. So if you want to turn around your life then take my advice, and get off your butt and make the first move.
Hey, if Stinky and I can do it, so can you! There are so many dating sites out there it is easy to get lost, or waste you time on insignificant ones, but I'll give you a tip, this is the site that me and Stinky used to find the best sites for us and in our opinion its the best place to find dating sites. So if you are tired of being alone and want someone to be with for the rest of your life well just follow this link, it will be the best move you ever make.
Online Personals
Friday, November 18, 2011
Ideas For Kinky Dates With Open-Minded Ladies
Once in a while, the universe will smile on a single man and hook him up with an open-minded and adventurous woman in his dating life. This is a woman who is not likely to be singing in the church choir on Sundays if you get my drift. If you hook up with a lady of this nature, you have to go to crazy places on a regular basis. Here are some suggestions if you’re ever lucky enough to get one of these women to go out with you. Have fun!
Nudie Bar
If your women has any sorts of bi-sexual tendencies, she will likely jump at the chance to go to a strip bar. I mean, she will likely enjoy the action as much as you! She might even buy you a lap dance, and vise-versa! There are some memories to last a lifetime! Many strippers are bi-sexual, or into threesomes, so if you want to really be out there, you might find that the girl on stage can be persuaded into a menage a trois.
A Trip To Your Local Sex Shop
Going to a Sex Store is an interesting way to pass a rainy afternoon. Lots of fun stuff to explore, and if nothing else, get giddy over. Sometimes it is best to loosen up before the trip by going to a bar for a couple of drinks first. This helps to lower inhibitions a bit and makes the entire experience more enjoyable. Pay attention as you walk around and take notice of what she is touching, or looking at. Ask questions and see if she gets a blush on. You can tell her what you’d like to buy for her. She can get you something. If you approach it right, there is nothing but fun and good times to be had in a sex shop. A word of caution here. Most quality shops are pretty expensive, and there is a no-returns policy on just about everything. Make sure you can bankroll the trip before embarking on it.
Strangers Meeting Role-Play
Once you have been to a sex shop, you may have picked up a few costumes to clown around in. If not then a return trip might be in order! In any event, the more costumes, the more fun. You can even mix and match! You can be an astronaut or a spy, and she can be a prison warden or a movie star.
The best way to pick the role to play is to write them all down on separate pieces of paper, and then pick them out of a hat or something.
BDSM Parlor
For a real change of pace, consider Bondage. It requires that you fully trust your partner, and that may actually add to your relationship. Lots of people like the bondage and domination part of it. Saddo is not everyone's cup of tea.. Most regular practitioners are into the bondage side of things rather than the domination or the saddo masochism, so do not let the idea scare you. Do not be afraid to go just because you have never done it before. Most BDSM parlors will help newbies so that they will become regular clientele.
That should be enough to dip your toe into. Besides the sex shops, you can always just rent costumes. There are plenty of places that cater to the movie industry that you can tap into, even Halloween costume shops! For other ideas, there are always fetish parties to attend, and sexy-themed hotel rooms to stay in. Just make sure you keep it fun, entertaining, and KINKY!
For more ideas try this link:
Fun Dating Advice for Men
Nudie Bar
If your women has any sorts of bi-sexual tendencies, she will likely jump at the chance to go to a strip bar. I mean, she will likely enjoy the action as much as you! She might even buy you a lap dance, and vise-versa! There are some memories to last a lifetime! Many strippers are bi-sexual, or into threesomes, so if you want to really be out there, you might find that the girl on stage can be persuaded into a menage a trois.
A Trip To Your Local Sex Shop
Going to a Sex Store is an interesting way to pass a rainy afternoon. Lots of fun stuff to explore, and if nothing else, get giddy over. Sometimes it is best to loosen up before the trip by going to a bar for a couple of drinks first. This helps to lower inhibitions a bit and makes the entire experience more enjoyable. Pay attention as you walk around and take notice of what she is touching, or looking at. Ask questions and see if she gets a blush on. You can tell her what you’d like to buy for her. She can get you something. If you approach it right, there is nothing but fun and good times to be had in a sex shop. A word of caution here. Most quality shops are pretty expensive, and there is a no-returns policy on just about everything. Make sure you can bankroll the trip before embarking on it.
Strangers Meeting Role-Play
Once you have been to a sex shop, you may have picked up a few costumes to clown around in. If not then a return trip might be in order! In any event, the more costumes, the more fun. You can even mix and match! You can be an astronaut or a spy, and she can be a prison warden or a movie star.
The best way to pick the role to play is to write them all down on separate pieces of paper, and then pick them out of a hat or something.
BDSM Parlor
For a real change of pace, consider Bondage. It requires that you fully trust your partner, and that may actually add to your relationship. Lots of people like the bondage and domination part of it. Saddo is not everyone's cup of tea.. Most regular practitioners are into the bondage side of things rather than the domination or the saddo masochism, so do not let the idea scare you. Do not be afraid to go just because you have never done it before. Most BDSM parlors will help newbies so that they will become regular clientele.
That should be enough to dip your toe into. Besides the sex shops, you can always just rent costumes. There are plenty of places that cater to the movie industry that you can tap into, even Halloween costume shops! For other ideas, there are always fetish parties to attend, and sexy-themed hotel rooms to stay in. Just make sure you keep it fun, entertaining, and KINKY!
For more ideas try this link:
Fun Dating Advice for Men
Friday, November 11, 2011
Transsexual Dating Sites
The live of a transsexual person is not an easy one. We are such a small part of the population, that it is difficult to find anyone who has a clue about what you are about, or who would be compatible with you. I now understand from first hand experience that transsexual people in smaller centres often lead a lonely, despondent life. For this reason, transsexuals seem to gravitate to big cities all over the world.
My first experience meeting people online was with AOL chat rooms several years ago. My first reaction to the chat room was very positive. I thought that it was an amazing way to meet new people. It would be the tool that would let me meet someone outside of my small community. It only took me two or three months to realize what I was exposing myself to. Many of the people that I met where just there to take advantage of other people. I think I heard every scam in the world in my time using AOL chat. What a huge disappointment!
When I first started with AOL, I was living in a small town in the American Midwest. My sexual preference is not mainstream and there were slim pickings in my local community. You cannot imagine how lonely I was! There was nobody in my community that I could relate to. I was becoming increasingly depressed. When I found AOL chat, it seemed to me that it was the answer to my prayers. Finally, a chance to meet someone that I had something in common with. I was willing to move anywhere for that.
I met a fair number of people, and even managed to meet a few in person, but nothing really clicked for me At one point I was sure that I had found the one but I soon found out there’s a thin line between reality and fantasy.
It seems that many people online pad the truth about who they are or what they do. It is a safe place to lie to other people, because if you are careful, nobody knows who you really are anyway. There is no retribution for misbehavior or giving false information to another person. You can totally play with people's emotions and then just sign up for a different account with a different name, with absolutely no worries about liability for your actions.
Online relationships are as varied as in person relationships, but they often bias towards the more hurtful. The fact that people are anonymous often sees them dissing on you rather than building you up. They can leave you with serious questions about your own self worth. If you let them, they can even drive you to the brink of suicide. If you fall in love with someone, and they pull away, it can leave you questioning why it is that relationships are not working out. You tend to question yourself when in fact the fault is the media itself.
When looking for love online, you will have to keep your sincerity radar on full alert. It is so easy to be drawn into a con job. I have found that one good litmus test is to see early on if they are willing to talk on the phone. It seems that people who are just conning you do not want that level of traceability.
I finally realized that I was being made a fool of way too often. In an effort to not waste as much time, I decided to set targets and goals with each new person that I met. I decided that from now on I would chat online for no more than a week, and then if we both found each other interesting I would insist they call me on the phone or I could call them.
It is truly amazing how many people vanish into the ether when confronted with talking on a phone! To my way of thinking, real people use telephones, talking on the phone is an essential component of the process of getting to know someone. If they don't want to talk to you by phone then they're just wasting your time and nothing will come of it.
Because chatting is a fairly recent phenomena and you have been talking all your life, you are much better at picking up verbal clues. You will be better able to delve into the personality of the person over the phone than on chat. One thing about a telephone conversation is that they can only talk to one person verbally at a time. If the person is on a chat room, it is nothing to keep several conversations going at once.
I was really getting disenchanted with chat room romances.A friend of mine suggested online dating, I freaked out and told him that I had wasted so much time and energy on chat-room losers that I didn't want to hear the word “online” again. He explained that it was not a chat room but a dating site, a transsexual dating site. I was shocked speechless! I had no idea they even existed. He sent me a link to a site that listed hundreds of dating sites, including a page of transsexual dating sites.
Let me cut to the chase and say that I tried a couple of the sites out and found someone for me. I have never been happier. Please check out the link below for yourself. If a transvestite like me can find love, so can you!
Good Luck!
Transsexual Dating
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