In Victorian times, most adult women did not have orgasms. In fact, most had no idea what an orgasm was. Generations of women were brought up with a lack of sex education, and usually believed that sex had to be painful, thus ensuring that the were not receptive to any form of pleasure. In fact a twin study ending in 2005 found that one third of women did not (or seldom) orgasm, and just one tenth always achieved an orgasm. As you can see, orgasms are rare or non-existent for many women. A woman who cannot have an orgasm has as frustrating a life as a man with an erectile disfunction.
So how can we change this, especially when most women now a days desire orgasms. Well let's begin by exploring what a female orgasm really is. Woman experiencing an orgasm is much like what men experience-there is a peak of sexual excitement, marking a moment of intense pleasure, and a throbbing, electric sensation that extends throughout the body. Rythmiccontractions take place within the pelvic area including the walls of the vagina. One key difference is that women do not have to have a recovery period, and will usually be able to have multiple orgasms with ongoing coital stimulation, usually within 60 to 120 seconds. In most women, there is no fluid ejaculated during orgasm. This is important for men to understand so that they understand that a woman can have a completely satisfying orgasm without ejaculating.
With the help of a skilled lover, most women can have multiple orgasms if they want.
Unlike men, women need the right conditions before they are able to orgasm. For instance:
1) They must feel appreciated, and wantedA sensual surrounding
3) A person they click with
4) Relaxed environment
5) The right degree if clitoral stimulation – not to rough, not too easy
You will unlikely simulate your female partner to orgasm without most of the previous conditions being met.
Men need to know that women will have different varieties of orgasms---the most common is orgasm of the clitoris. The clitoris can be stimulated by fingers or through oral sex. The clitoral orgasm can have fluid expelled or be dry, and results in contractions within the uterus . Another type of orgasm is called the G Spot. The G spot is tougher to zero in on: it is located about halfway between the back of the pubic bone, and the front of the cervix. In most women the G-spot is about 3 inches into the vagina, and near the neck of the bladder where it connects with the urethra. Gentle but firm pressure is required to find the G spot if the woman is not stimulated yet. It is a slightly more pliable area about 1/3 of an inch in size. The exact size and location can vary slightly from female to female. A vaginal orgasm will usually occur if the G-spot is appropriately stimulated.
Figure 1, Internal Female Anatomy:
In summary, sex is something very sensual that can provide both partners with a wonderful rush of pleasurable feelings. The following checklist can help your lady companion have orgasms regularly:
1) Women like affection---use your hands, and or mouth to caress her body. Be gentle, especially when touching her genitals, or rubbing her clitoris
3) Orally stimulate her breasts with kissing and gentle sucking
4) Slow and easy is the only way to win this race
5) Talk to your partner, find out what she likes
6) Women like you to tease them sexually – touch and withdraw many times. This will build arousal, and heighten orgasm.
7) Use your own natural lubrication to moisten her clitoris – however she may need additional lubrication, you can buy lubricants at any drugstore.
8) Learn her body- does her nipples get hard only during arousal or are they like that at other times
9) Try new things as variety can add to the pleasure
10) Don't make demands: this could spoil the moment
All men, can use this as a guide to helping your women have a more pleasurable experience, and helping her achieve many orgasms.
If you are an sexually unhappy woman – convince your partner to read this article, after all, your future happiness is at stake!
Good Luck!
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