Friday, April 27, 2012
What Seniors Are Looking For
Being single again after a lifetime of marriage and being over fifty can be pretty daunting. At least half of women over the age of 60 live alone compared to only one out of six men. Dating sure has become a different animal in the last couple or three decades. Today it is not unusual to see a grandmother buying condoms along with her Metamucil or denture cleaner. Older men are often so confused that they don't know if they should open a door, pull a chair out, or pay for the whole dinner and movie.
Several old television relic’s have proven more than once that we all have a come back or two in us, but with every failed date that idea, like our perfect hearing, is slowly fading away. Most of us would like to believe that we can come back from the ashes of a previous relationship a few times, but after a while, with little luck, hope will no longer seem so spring eternal anymore. Approaching a relationship the second or third time around can be pretty daunting, especially if you have been out of the game for a few decades because of a successful relationship. Finding yourself splitting in your 50's can be a very shattering experience. Becoming a widow or widower is even more so. People tend to be a bit more set in their ways and comfortable with their life styles when they are in their 50's and beyond. This makes it much more difficult to find someone compatible than when you are in your more flexible 20's. If you are looking to find someone who just meshes with you and your lifestyle, the odds are severely against you. If you intend to find a new life partner, then you must be prepared to do a few changes. These do not have to be radical, but you do need to do some things differently. Personally, I always hated golf, but I took it up so that I would have a better chance of finding someone – and hey, I grew to like it, so it was not a waste.
I have had dates that demanded I pay for half the meal, the gas they used to come to my home and pick me up, and to add insult to injury demanded that for our next date I pick them up, how pig headed is that. I guess I am not that liberated yet. You will often have to sit through a stressful evening of stories about their current job or past profession, their deceased wife, ex girl friends, how good they are in bed, and how their piles are inflamed and they cannot sit for another minute. Of course several of them will also bring up the topic of Cialis or Viagra, just trying to lay a foundation for later on.
And its just as discouraging for the men. I have heard many disaster stories from friends, who are at the point of no return when it comes to dating. All of these are symptoms of a fundamental incompatibility with each other from the get-go.
So why is it so tough to find a match when you are a senior? Life is supposed to get easier as you get older. Unfortunately this does not seem to apply to mature people dating. What is the source of the problem? We are not amateurs in the dating game! We know who we are and what we want. So why is it so tough? Could it be we have our standards set too high? I doubt it! Mature adults want the same things that the younger set are looking for in a relationship. They all want:
1) Someone To Listen
2) Someone To Care
3)Someone Interesting
4)Someone Compassionate
5)Someone Loving
6)Someone Understanding
7)Someone Compatible
8)Someone With Similar Interests
9)Someone With similar Values
10)Someone To Share Our Lives With
11)Someone Who Respects Me
12)Someone I Can Respect
Is that too much to ask for?
After discussing my relationship vacuum with several of my good friends. They suggested that I try one of the dozens of senior dating sites available online. I was reluctant to try using a dating site, but after some encouraging information from my pals, and after being sexually self satisfied for quite some time, I decided to give it a go. I turned on my computer and searched for senior dating sites. There were too many. It was just too much.
It was pretty overwhelming initially. I started having flashbacks of when I was a kid trying to choose a candy bar at the store. I explained this to one one my friends and she suggested a site for me. This site is a dating site rating service. They have tested thousands of dating sites, and have a list of the sites that they recommend. All of them are categorized to make it easier to select. My friend said that she had signed up to a couple of the recommended sites just to make sure that she would find someone fast.
She said that is how she met her boyfriend. Here I was thinking that she met this terrific guy at work, boy was I taken aback. So I gave them a try, it was simple I just created a profile, told them what I was looking for in a man, and they did the rest. Pretty soon I find myself matched to several interesting guys, and they can all actually carry on an intelligent conversation. I'm in dating heaven! For the first time in in what seems like centuries I am actually going out with exciting men and enjoying my self, life really does get better with age.
If you are approaching your golden years and you are seeking the person you want to spend the rest of your life with with, then take the first step. Check out the link below and join one or two of the sites. You will never regret it.
Friday, April 20, 2012
A Condom Conundrum
Being on the Dating scene is a continuous adventure. The exercise is usually fun, and always stimulating. You are sure to meet many new people. Some you will click with and develop a budding friendship. Many will quickly fall by the wayside. There are a few however that will develop into longer term friends, and even lovers.
Along with the quest for the love of your life comes the side benefit of a lot of sex with new partners. Not that there is anything wrong with that. After all, adult relationships almost always revolve around sex. Only a moron would have unprotected sex with a bunch of new partners, and your primary protection is the condom.
Most men and women do not like condoms at all. They severely reduce the sensation for men and as such often make sex less pleasurable for women as well. If you had to put a condom on your tongue before eating, there would be no fat people in the world. You don’t starve, but you don’t TASTE!” In this day and age of AIDS and other debilitating STDs, you would have to be crazy not to wear one.
At least there are some fun choices for the selection of your little rubber buddies now. There are now more choices than just slippery or dry. There are some really kinky condoms out there for the adventurous – flavored, and colored, and studded, and ribbed. Make sure you read the packaging before you go too crazy with any of them though – some are novelty condoms, and do not portend to prevent STIs or pregnancy. They’re just for fun. In fact, if the lights are out, you can use the glow in the dark condoms to read the wrapper. Handy!
Some of the more unique types of condoms raising their heads are quite amusing. One is the “Inspiral Condom”. It is a spiral shaped condom that is quite the rage. U.S. Surgeon Dr. A. Reddy, who also invented the prototype of the original female condom, did the fundamental research that lead to its development. When in place on the penis, it looks like a big screw. According to the rave reviews online, it creates intense sensation in the man and woman, while creating a feel like the sheath is thinner than it actually is. Getting screwed by someone has never been so enjoyable!
For those studs out there who want staying power, there is the new “Viagra Condom”. It stimulates a longer and more protracted erection. It is designed for dudes who have a hard time keeping it up once the condom is on. Looks like my personal pack of pleasure is going to bulge with at least one more item!
Besides sex, condoms have found a myriad of other practical uses. They are often packed into survival kits where they are used to keep things dry, hold drinking water, and even to fashion a sling shot with.
A gallon of water! That surprised me. Especially considering that the average ejaculate a man expends during sex is one and a half teaspoons. Overkill!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Plenty Of Freaky Chicks
I had emailed a girl on POF but did not get a reply. That happens a lot and I sort of flushed it from my memory. I got a reply back from this particular individual several weeks later, complete with phone number. I was a bit surprised however when her email included her phone number. I mean, I had never even communicated with her before. Likely I should have run like a chicken, but since I had not been with anyone steady in a long time, I decided to take a chance and texted her.
This started an avalanche of text messages back and forth for the next few days. We finally decided it was time to meet. Since my car was broken down, she drove over 60 miles in an old heap she borrowed from a friend just to see me. I was quite flattered by that.We lingered over coffee for quite a while, and that extended into supper as well. I was a bit surprised when she suggested that I come to her house for the night, but I accepted willingly. As we drove to her house, we snuggled and then started to stroke each other. I had to back off because she started to really get into it at one point and almost went off the road. We got back to her place and started listening to some music while snuggling on the couch.
All of a sudden she she got a few text messages which she answered. On top of this, her phone started to ring non-stop, and she seemed compelled to answer it rather than just turn it off for a while. Needless to say, I was not impressed with this side of her. Not only that, but when she was not talking on her cell phone or texting someone, she was telling me about her ex-boyfriend. Like I was really interested in him. So I made polite noises at the right times while I sat there totally bored by this new twist. I must have done all the right things because we ended up snuggling some more and then headed for bed. The sex was quick and wild, but did not last too long because she said she was tired as soon as she came a couple of times. I barely managed to go off. As we were going to sleep she got up and went into her roommate's bedroom to spend the rest of the night. After waiting about 20 minutes for her to come back, I got the idea that she was out for the count and just went to sleep.
I woke up alone and wondering what I was going to do. I decided to get the hell out of dodge as fast as I could. When I opened the bedroom door, her girlfriend was standing there looking at me as if I was some undesirable bug. Something about the roommate just seemed off. It was one of those instant insights that you get about people sometimes. I cannot put a finger on it. I could only describe it as “off”. Just to be perverse, I decided to have a shower before I left. The water in this backward hell hole probably was not fit to let an animal drink let alone a human because it smelled like boiled eggs. By this time I was really pissed off.
I got dressed and went back to the room I had slept in and waited for her to explain what the heck was going on. Most importantly, I needed to find out when I could escape from this crazy place. When she finally showed up, she told me that she was in crap up to her eyeballs because she had taken the car yesterday without permission. Apparently her friend's mother was very peeved that she had taken the car the previous day, and that we had to leave now.
When I looked in her eyes, I new that she was on something. Her friend was as well from the look of her. A weird looking guy came over to take us to her (my date's) mother's house. The house turned out to be quite isolated. The living room was full of creepy looking people. Most of them were pretty drugged out. There was a strange odor in the air which I assumed came from a batch of something cooking out back someplace. They were just hanging around in a stupor listening to loud blaring music. It was wild. It was sort of like one of those bad nightmare scenarios that you see in some B grade Hollywood movies. I started to get a bit scared.
A couple of them actually got into an animated discussion as to which train I had to take to get home. My date and her mother left me standing there for a few minutes, and when they returned, we left. We dropped my date and her mother off someplace else, and then we were on our way again.
This guy really freaked me out. He was all in black, had his hair spiked and some of his teeth filed. If his objective was to look like a werewolf, then he was successful. Just needed a bit more hair. Maybe a beard would have helped. He kept grinning at me once in a while and I was starting to get concerned. His constant grinning was getting to me. The longer I was with him the more I was certain that I would crap my pants. I just clamped my butt cheeks together as hard as I could and hoped I would not be in the car too much longer. I was worried he was going to drive me all the way home, but to my relief he drove me just as far as the train station and told me to get out. I happily obliged.
As it turned out, with all the delays at the house, we missed the train I was supposed to catch. I had to wait three more hours for the next one. On top of that, I did not have enough money to get all the way back. So I just sat back and stewed. I ended up detaining about an hour from home. With no money, I had no alternative but to walk and thumb the rest of the way home. It had turned into a damp cold, drizzly day, and by the time I got home I was pretty demoralized. The first thing I did was to take a hot shower to wash the stink off and warm up.
Plenty Of Fish! Plenty of freaks is more like it as far as I am concerned. I have used a couple of other dating sites since, but they are all paying sites now. I have learned that some times free is not always the best way to go. And some sites are not always safe because any moron, freak and weirdo can also join, just because it is free.
Not all free dating sites are crappy. I concede that my experience with POF might have been outside the norm. Either way, I decided to cancel my account on POF and go elsewhere.
In my search for something other than POF I came upon a link that took me to some great dating sites, you might want to give it a try if your fed up with sites like the one I was using. There are risks when joining any free site so be aware, be safe and have fun. The link below is one that I have used successfully. I trust it will be a valuable resource for you as well.
Dating Sites
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