I was in my early fifties and had been divorced for a couple of years. In that time I had not connected with anybody, so, like many other people nowadays, I turned to online dating. Because of my age, I really didn't think I had much of a chance of meeting anyone online. Being not very computer literate, I was very reluctant, but my friends and sisters kept pushing me to try it. Since I did not think I had much to lose in giving it a try, I took the plunge. I made my profile, and had my sisters pick out some of the best photos of me. I am such a Luddite with computers that I had to actually get a friend to upload the photos that my sister selected for my profile. So once I was finished with all of that, I pretty much just waited. I was not expecting much. While I was waiting, I did spend some time checking out the guys on the site. I was pleased to see that there were a fair amount of them my age. That surprised me because I expected to just see younger guys. So much for my assumptions.
The next day I had over a dozen emails in my inbox. I could not believe it. It was pretty exciting. Some of that excitement ebbed a bit when I read some of them. I cannot believe the stupidity of some men. However a couple were quite interesting and I replied to them. If I got to the point that I wanted to meet in person I made sure that I met everyone at a nice restaurant down the street from where I worked. I felt safe there, knew most of the staff, and knew they would help me if there was any issues. It was exciting, but it was exhausting. Learning so much information about so many people and keeping it all straight in your head is tough work.Interacting with all of these men was exciting, but it was mentally exhausting as well. Keeping them all straight was difficult. I finally resorted to opening a diary for each on my computer and reviewing it before I talked to each of them. It was lots of work, but I kept at it. I started questioning if I could keep up the pace, but I was determined not to spend much more of my life by myself, so I kept at it.
I loved being one half of a couple, and I desperately wanted that again. In all my conversations with various men, one person seemed to be in my thoughts more often than most. His profile showed that he was not self absorbed and it was very well written. Articulate but concise. He said that he believed in equality for women and that he was in touch with his feminine side. My first instinct was that he was gay and just pulling my leg, but I later realized that hew was the genuine article. He was just a very caring person who believed that women were not second class citizens. He told me that he had not always been so open minded, but he had spent many years in Europe, and had seen what can happen when people let outside cultures influence society's mores. He had been transferred back to our city fairly recently.
Since I loved Europe, and had been there many times on vacation, and also loved most winter sports as he did, we seemed to have a lot in common that we could talk about. It was funny how it was that I had started talking to him in the first place. It was all from the wording of his first email. He had no picture on his profile at all, so at first, I did not know what to expect. Eventually I got him to email me a snapshot. It was not that clear, but at least I knew that he was taller than he was wide, and had most of his hair. But by that time I would not have cared all that much anyway. His personality had me totally mesmerized by then. Because he seemed too good to be true, I was a bit nervous about giving him my personal information. When we first decided to talk on the phone, I convinced him to give me his phone number instead of my giving him mine. It just seemed more prudent. I intended to use call blocking when I called. He gave me his number but I was actually too scared to call at first. But after reflecting on the silliness of it all, I finally got up the gumption to call. It changed my life.
He was just so amazing. In real life he was even better than online. So sweet, and always a gentleman. For that first date we met at a nice little restaurant that we were both familiar with. I got there first, worried that it would make me look needy, but I could not help myself. I am compulsive about being early to everything. My biggest concern was that we would not click. As I looked towards the door, in walked this gorgeous hunk of a man. He had black hair with just a touch of grey, he just stood there looking for me for a minute then came over and sat down. I was in complete awe. We talked and laughed and shared some personal stories. Time was streaming by but I could not stop it. I did not want it to have to end. It was too bad that we were only planning a meal together. The time was going by too fast. We left after he paid the bill. I noticed that he left a nice tip as well. He kissed me when we got to my house. As he drove away, I sighed. Everything was just too good to be true. The chemistry for me had been instantaneous. I already knew that he was the one.
We had several more dates after that, and it seemed that every date was better then the one before. But something began to bother me. I had not been exactly truthful about my age in my profile. My friends convinced me that it was a marketing exercise and that stretching the truth a bit was expected. I had only shaved three years off of my age, No big deal. But nobody likes to be lied to. It is a breach of trust, and once broken can become a huge issue in a relationship. It was not good that I had started our relationship with a lie. I decided to tell him the truth when I felt the time was right.
One night, he took me to a small club for a drink. The waiter asked me for proof of age with a smile on his face. I just knew that my honey Max had put him up to it. So just for fun I took my drivers licence out to show him, we all had a good chuckle about it. Max asked if he could see my license and I just passed it over without a thought. He said, “Holy cow, you're fifty four!” I sat there in shock. Then he started laughing like an idiot! When I asked, “What's so funny?” He said that he had lied about his age as well. In the final analysis it ended up that our actual ages were two years apart. He was just a bit older than me. We both laughed that we had each started out with a lie.
We dated for about six months. In the wee hours of the morning, he called me. I was startled out of a very deep sleep where I was dreaming about cavorting around with him in our mutual all-togethers. He said he needed to talk to me right now, and that It couldn’t wait. He would not tell me anything over the phone. So I waited with mixed emotions for twenty minutes or so until he arrived. He walked in and announced, “I need to say something that cannot be put off any longer.”
I braced myself for the worst, even opening a box of Kleenex because I was sure I was going to need them. Well I needed them, but in a good way. He asked me to marry him. He said he had never been so happy with anyone in his life, and that he knows I'm the one. I had to say yes. I mean what else could I do. I was madly in love with him.
For the last three years, since we have been married, I have been blissfully happy. When I had thought of my first marriage in the past, I wanted something as good. When I look back on it now, I realize that it had been the shell of a marriage. What I have with Max has eclipsed it in so many ways. The honeymoon never ends. And to think I found him on an online dating site. Someplace that I had thought of as a last chance place to meet someone!
The saga of Max and I is just starting. But I am eternally grateful to the online dating industry for bringing us together. No matter what you think about them right now, don't ever be shy or embarrassed about joining an online dating site. In my opinion, they are the future of courtship.
Below I have posted a link to one of the resource sites that I used. The sites referenced there are some of the best and are well organized. There are so many to choose from you are sure to find what you want. Good luck in your search!
Advice for Women
Articles about various dating adventures and sites.

Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
The Beach Date
You just gotta love the beach. It is a relaxing place to be, and everyone is their to have a good time. The beach is an even better place if you have some hot chick on your arm If your are going to take a date to the beach, there are a few things that you have to do to be prepared. Here are some tips and advice in that direction.
There are FIVE main things that you have to take to any beach outing. If you forget any for these, your day will be off to a lousy start that can only get worse. BSSWT is the mnemonic to remember. They stand for Blanket, sunscreen, shoes, water and towels. You need water or else you can get a severe headache from dehydration. The shoes and towel are to protect your feet and body from the incredibly hot sand, and the sunscreen is to protect your skin so you can stay out all day. Use an SPF of 30 or better at a minimum. However, once you’ve got all that stuff, you’ve got the basics covered. Now the advanced pros and cons to the beach date to consider.
The Good Stuff
One of the truly great things about a beach date is that you get to see your honey in a bathing suit. The second plus is that it is inexpensive and usually just a lot of laid back fun. Plus, if you’re sunglasses are dark enough, all the other women on the beach in their bikinis are there to see too. Just don’t get caught staring!
Another great thing about the beach date is swimming and frolicking with your date. It is sometimes a bit difficult getting in those first few intimate touches, but losing your balance and grabbing each other for support while playing in the water is a great ice breaker in that area. Similarly, there is something about swimming together in deeper water and taking a water treading break that requires being close and personal. Speaking of, applying her sunscreen is another way to establish instant physical intimacy.
Dating at the beach also invites ending the day with a picnic supper while watching the sunset. This is very romantic, and if you have played your cards right all day, will lead to much more intimacy.
The Bad Stuff
One thing that is sure to spoil a beach outing is rain, cold weather or excessive wind. Check the forecast before you leave so that you have an idea of what might be coming. Remember too, that the temperature at the beach is always a little cooler, because of the onshore breeze. Bring an extra sweater in case she gets chilly.
Sharks are always a potential threat to a good date. Don’t take her to Amity Island in New England. From the films about that place I’ve seen, beachgoers can have problems. ;-)
Babies and kids can be annoying, let’s face it. If you’re blanket is beside a family with a bunch of screaming babies or rambunctious kids, it can be tough to relax and get cozy with your lady. Find somewhere quiet and private. And don’t be afraid to move if a family settles beside you. Keep mobile!
Lastly, you have to expect a few muscle-bound hunks will be walking along the beach looking for women. These jerks ruin it for all the other dudes who have a beer belly or shoulder hair. You can try distracting her when they come near, but it is better to actually just let her get her eyeful of hunky dude. Chances are she would not be going out with you if body builder types enamor her.
If things go really well, she might want to stay on the beach after everyone else has left and get frisky. No matter what all the Hollywood movie storylines tell you, making love on the beach is not likely to be all that enjoyable. Here’s why. Sand will get everywhere and in everything, in spite of the blanket. This can cause a lot of hurt and make the date end up on a miserable note. On top of that, a lot of biting insects come out at night along most shorelines. In most locals, nighttime is a time to cover up, not get bare-naked. It is much, much better to bring her home to bed. Who knows, she just might stay the night!
Hope this helps, and remember the sunscreen!
For other helpful advice for men, check out this site:
If you main squeeze does not like the beach and you do, maybe you should be looking for someone new. If you are in that situation, then check out the link below for a list of the top Internet Dating Sites:
Sunday, September 16, 2012
No More Blind Dates!
I've had more bad luck with blind dates that friends have set me up with than anyone I know. My very first blind date seemed nice at first. But once she started to talk, she just would not quit. At one point in her monologue, she started to talk about all the problems that she had had with kidney stones. I sat there with a look of disbelief on my face which she misinterpreted as interest. Unintentionally I muttered out loud, “I don't believe this”. She then said, “You don't believe me? Well look at this!”. She then started rummaging through her purse and pulled out a small medicine bottle. She opened it and emptied it onto the table. I could never have imagined what it was that ended up there! Three large kidney stones. She felt compelled to carry them around with her! I have heard of people keeping baby teeth, but kidney stones are just too weird for me.
After dinner she excused herself to the ladies room. After what seemed like a half hour, she had still not returned. I started to worry. The next time the waitress came by I asked her if she would check up on her for me. The next thing I know the waitress comes out yelling for someone to call an ambulance saying a young women had passed out in the washroom. I went in to see if there was something I could do and saw her laying on the floor in her own vomit. Apparently she was bulimic and is now being treated for the disorder. Funny I didn't notice she had any problem, but then I had thought it a little weird that she was wearing such bulky clothing on such a hot day. I guess it just goes to show you that there are some very sick people walking around and you would not know it if you are not specifically looking for it.
I had a few more blind dates. Most of them had some interesting personality quirks, which is likely why they were not attached to anyone. There was the goth looking more like Dracula's bride than a date, miss sunshine who was so bubbly she made you want to vomit, tattoo lady with snakes and lizards adorning all of her visible skin, and iron maiden who wore tons of metal stuff stuck through various parts of her anatomy (yuk). But I just classified these as my personal turn offs because I have seen all of them since with other guys.
My very last blind date was really a humdinger. A friend of mine (or should I say ex friend) gave her my email address and told me she was really hot (ya she was hot alright). We got along well chatting and emailing, and when we finally got around to talking on the phone, her voice was really, really sexy. Apparently she had the hots for meet me too. We decided to meet at a Red Lobster. I arrived first and was sweating with nervousness about meeting this hot sexy chick. I saw an old Toyota Tercel pull into the parking lot with the front driver side riding low. I remember thinking that the front spring in the car must be broken. It parked and the door opened, and out stepped (well stepped is a bad word for the series of motions it took her to extract herself from the vehicle) my date. OUCH!
It seemed my hot sexy chick was more like 350 pounds of pure fat! She had totally set me up! She told me she had an average body type. I don't think I've ever seen a slender hippo, and that is about the best example from the animal world that she most resembled.
My face must have looked shocked, but before she could see me, I managed to compose myself and put my best foot forward (all the time hoping that she would not step on it). I met her at the door and escorted her back to my table where we ordered our food. When our food came, she had difficulty reaching it because her stomach was in the way. I was stunned to watch her calmly pick up the end of the table, pull it towards her, and plunk the edge of it on her abdomen. I forgot my hunger and just stared at her as she proceeded to wolf down her dinner. She reached over and grabbed mine asking, “You're not eating this are you?” On top of this, she ordered and ate three different deserts, all the time remarking at how she thought that desert was the best part of any meal. I paid the bill, which put a serious dent in my wallet, and wound the evening down as quickly as it was polite to do. I stopped by a McDonald’s on the way home for a burger and onion rings because I was still hungry and it was all I could afford. I just ordered. After this evening's spectacle, I could not face super-sizing it like I usually do. She phoned me the next night and after gushing over the great time she had, she wanted to know when we would get together again. I told her that I was sorry but I would not be able to see her anymore because my company had just informed me that day that I would be transferred to another location across the country and I would be moving by the end of the week. What a coward I was, but I just could not tell her what I really thought.
I have learned my lesson. No more stupid blind dates for me.
From now on I only spend time looking for women on online dating sites. Needless to say, I am much better at detecting phonies than I used to be, so I seldom have any negative surprises. The only negative things that I have to face now are not getting a good vibe from a woman that I would otherwise be proud to be with forever.
Here is where I found the best online dating sites to join:
top dating sites
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Better Sex Anywhere On a Budget
Having a new sex partner means that you get to explore their kinky side. The new sales support person may like dress up sex. You know, nurse naughty, french maid, Marion the librarian, etc. The cute, shy guy who started last week may turn out to be an exhibitionist who loves having sex in public parks or in the stationary room. You just never know.
Some day when you have had a few drinks, suggest that you tour a sex shop to see what kinds of weird things that they have. Get the clerks to explain everything. Usually this is a lot of fun, and even if you do not purchase anything, you can laugh about it for weeks.
With the constantly rising cost of living and the bad economy, purchases at a sex shop can get expensive. On top of this, it is absolutely impossible to return anything used (for obvious reasons).
In an effort to help you stretch your shrinking sex toy dollar, I have compiled a list of low cost alternatives. Make sure that you check these out with a health expert. Allergies, or other problems can turn the most fun activity into a nightmare!
Sex In The Office (Or Anywhere For That Matter)
If you are not getting enough through regular means, then try this. Set your phone on vibrate, and place it down the front of your drawers or panties. Now it is a simple matter to call your phone from another device. Hey, finally your will be able to enjoy telemarketers calling you all the time. If you turn off your voice mail, it will ring you into an orgasm! Sort of a dingle tingle. If you have two cell phones you can call yourself during meetings at work, thus keeping a pleasant smile on your face while others are nodding off. Who knows, you may even get a promotion for being so "attentive" and "upbeat".
Vigorous Veggie Vamping
Skip the expensive sex shop and browse the aisles of your local grocery store for a suitable alternative. Once you have it home, wash it well in warm water and slide a condom on it. Add an appropriate amount of lube, and see if it has the size you like. The best options are:
1) Cucumber – recommended for average sized vaginas – take the nubs off first though
2) Carrot – ideal for smaller ladies with tight pussies
3) Zucchini – the best choice for larger sized women.
4) Baking Potato – be careful you do not lose it up there – the zucchini is likely more practical
5) Sweet potato – these can have some interesting twists for your pleasure – select carefully for maximum entertainment.
6) Celery – no matter which end you use, this one will likely be disappointing. Of course now a full bunch might just substitute well if you cannot find an appropriately sized zucchini!
7) Watermelon – Holy Cow! You have to be kidding me! Right?
So if you want, you can use the veggie of choice as a way to size a dildo purchase at a sex store. Either that, or else you can just keep on the veggie sex regime. The best deal about veggie sex is that you can size the amount of your pleasure stick without resorting to a lot of expense. A few bucks can buy you three different size veggie prototypes to try, so if you ever go to the sex shop for a more permanent type toy, you know exactly the size to purchase.
Now you may get some interesting ideas as you browse by the deli department. Anything in the deli is just not recommended, no matter how natural it may look or feel.
Unique Ways To Stimulate an Orgasm in a Woman
It is a published fact that many women can only achieve an orgasm by having their clitoris stimulated during sex. It is one reason why one of the hottest selling items in a sex shop are penis rings (cock rings) with built in vibrators. But if you think about it, there are a lot more things in your daily life that vibrate, and you can use that to your advantage. Have you ever had sex on your washing machine? If not, you are in for a treat. Put the machine on spin cycle, and go to it. For an extra kick, do something to unbalance the machine (like throwing in a floor mat all by itself). You will never look at laundry chores in the same negative light again!.
For other fun, Have her hold her phone next to her clit and give her a bunch of hot, dirty crank calls, and set to “vibrate”. This really pumps up the sexual satisfaction, and with most phone plans is dirt cheap to implement. You have to keep the phone dry, so use a condom.
For those of you in California, when the next earthquake hits, get horizontal in a hurry and take advantage of the mega vibrations. You may miss the main one, but the aftershocks should not leave you unprepared. And what a shock the aftershock would have for your partner. Add some zest on your next train ride with some sexcapades. Most trains have some interesting vibrations, rocking and rolling when in motion. When all else fails, pull out the trusty cell phone again Roller coasters are a thought, but the complexity of pulling it off pretty much makes it a non-starter. Airplanes are at their best in rough weather, but the spoil sports in the cockpits always turn on the seat belt signs. Of course, a blanket or two can give you enough privacy for a quickie. Then of course, sex in the bed of a pickup truck while going over a washboard road is just about the best. This takes at least one helper, or another couple so you can take turns in the bed of the truck. Of course when going for it in the truck bed, some sort of padding is a necessity. Use and air mattress or at least a couple of yoga pads. Now go have some fun out there!
Ya Hoo!!
If you want some other advice on sex and sexuality, check out these links:
Sex Advice for Men
Sex Advice for Women
Saturday, August 11, 2012
The One Night Stand
I had emailed a girl on POF but did not get a reply. That happens a lot and I sort of flushed it from my memory. So I was a bit surprised a couple of weeks later to get a reply, and even more surprised when the reply contained her phone number. It struck me as strange that someone who didn't know me that well and had never spoke to me in person would all of a sudden ,just out of the blue, leave me her phone number. Likely I should have run like a chicken, but since I had not been with anyone steady in a long time, I decided to take a chance and texted her.
We communicated back and forth by text for a couple of days before we agreed to meet for coffee. She had to drive about sixty miles to see me, so I was kinda flattered about that.We lingered over coffee for quite a while, and that extended into supper as well. I edged the conversation around to see if she would be interested in spending the night. Much to my surprise, she accepted but said it would have to be at her house because she had to return the car soon. On the drive back we began to kiss, and it seemed to be going great. Once we arrived at her house, we quickly settled onto her couch, listening to music and resumed our mutual stimulation. It was really a rush.
Suddenly, she started getting text messages by the dozens and she started to focus on replying to them. Then her phone started to ring as well, and she kept answering it. I really thought it was quite rude for her to be spending more time on the phone than with me. To add insult to injury, when she was not focused on the phone, she started to tell me all about her ex boyfriend and her trials with him! Like I cared! I just sat there pretending to really give a shit, making noises to her like, “uh huh....yea....oh.... that’s too bad”, figuring she probably still had a thing for him. But hey, I must have done something right because we eventually had sex so it was worth listening to her shit. We were hardly done before she jumped out of bed and scurried down the hall to her friend's room. She never returned. I waited up for a bit to see if she would come back, but I gave up about a half hour later and decided to just sack out.
When I woke up, I decided that this was all too weird for me and decided to get out of here as soon as possible. As I opened the bedroom door, I saw her roommate standing there looking at me as if I was something squirmy. Her roommate triggered all my psycho chick alarms. I have no idea why. Then it struck me. She was looking at me as if I was competition. These two ladies had a thing for each other but it seemed that the one who picked me up was bisexual. Just to be perverse, I decided to have a shower before I left. The water in this backward hell hole probably was not fit to let an animal drink let alone a human because it smelled like boiled eggs. By this time I was really pissed off.
I got dressed and went back to the room I had slept in and waited for her to explain what the heck was going on. Mostly, I just wanted to know how I was going to get home. When she came it she told me she was in a spot because she had borrowed the car from her friend's mother without permission. Her roommate's mom had flipped her lid and kicked her out over the episode. She had to leave in an hour.
I noticed she looked like she was on something and her roommate looked all strung out as well. This freaky looking fellow came over to take us to her own mother's home. The house was set back about a half mile from the road. When we got there, there was a bunch of sorry looking people hanging around. They all looked like they were on something pretty powerful, and from the strange smell around, I guessed that they were actually cooking up a batch of something out back someplace. This entire group was all just hanging around listening to some of the worst music I have ever heard. And of course they had to have the volume up full to boot. It was sort of like one of those bad nightmare scenarios that you see in some B grade Hollywood movies. I started to get a bit scared.
One if these guys stirred himself enough to tell me which train I needed to take home. My date and her mother left me standing there for a few minutes, and when they returned, we left. I guess the plan was to drop off my date and her mother someplace and then have me ferried to the train station, because that is what ended up happening.
I finally realized what it was about this guy that rubbed me the wrong way. He had his teeth filed of all things! All of his front teeth were pointed. About the only thing that he needed to look more like Count Dracula was the cape. Of course he also needed a good Bela Lugosi accent. Either way, I was weirded out. His constant grinning was getting to me. The longer I was with him the more I was certain that I would crap my pants. I had to clinch my cheeks together as tight as I could and hoped I would get home in one piece. I hoped he had not decided to drive me all the way home, but suddenly we arrived at the train station. I wasted no time getting out of that car.
As it turned out, with all the delays at the house, we missed the train I was supposed to catch. I had to wait three more hours for the next one. On top of that, I did not have enough money to get all the way back. So I just sat back and stewed. I had to get off about an hour away from my destination and hitchhike the rest of the way. It had started to rain, and it was getting colder. I was pretty wet and miserable by the time I got to my apartment. I tell you, it had never looked so cozy. The first thing I did was take a nice hot shower in 'clean' water.
Plenty of Fish might better be called Plenty Of Freaks from my perspective. I have used a couple of other dating sites since, but they are all paying sites now. There are times when you get what you pay for, and totally free dating sites are the epitome of that expression. There is nothing much that filters out the riffraff on free sites.
Not all free sites are bad. In fact, POF may actually be okay for most people. I may have had a worse experience than most. But in the final analysis, they have a harder time filtering out idiots because they tend to get more of them.
Once I had made the decision to leave POF, I had another issue to solve. How would I find a replacement site that was actually better. After a lot of searching, I finally found a site that rated a bunch of dating sites. It has been successful for me, so I am passing that on to you. There are risks in joining any dating site, but especially so for free sites. So be safe. The link below is one that I have used successfully. I trust it will be a valuable resource for you as well.
Top 10 Dating Sites
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Have Sex – Will Orgasm
In Victorian times, most adult ladies never experienced and orgasm. In fact, many did not even know what an orgasm was. Many women were brought up with no sexual instruction, and sometimes with negative messages about their bodies, and their sexuality. In fact a twin study climaxing in 2005 found that one in three women reported never or seldom achieving orgasm during intercourse, and just one tenth always achieved an orgasm. Orgasms don’t come easily for many women. A woman who cannot have an orgasm is as frustrated as a man with an erectile disfunction.
Now the question is how do we change all this, especially when most women now a days want orgasms. Lets start by defining a female orgasm. Woman experiencing an orgasm is much like what men achieve-there is a peak of sexual excitement, marking a moment of intense pleasure, and a pulsing, electric sensation that spreads out through the body. The rhythmic pulsations take place within the pelvic area also encompassing the vaginal walls. One key difference is that women do not have to have a recovery period, and may have many orgasms with continued stimulation, usually within 60 to 120 seconds. In most women, there is no fluid ejaculated during orgasm. This is an important fact for men to know, so as to not feel like they have not pleasured their woman, or make them feel inadequate because they don't.
With the right stimulation, most women can achieve multiple orgasms if they so desire.
Women are physiologically pickier than men when it comes to achieving an orgasm. For instance:
1) They need to feel wanted, and appreciated a sensual surrounding
3) A partner whom they really like
4) Relaxed environment
5) The right degree if clitoral stimulation – not to rough, not too easy
You will not have great success in giving your partner orgasms if you fail to provide most of the above.
Men should understand that women will have different varieties of orgasms---the most common is orgasm of the clitoris. The clitoris may be stimulated in a few ways, but the most common are oral stimulation or hand manipulation. The clitoral orgasm may be wet or dry, and leads to pulsations within the uterus . Another type of orgasm is called the G Spot. The G spot is tougher to zero in on: it is located on the upper side of the vagina – about one half way in. The majority of women will have the G spot a few inches inside the vagina, and on the upper side. Gentle but firm pressure is required to find the G spot if the woman is not stimulated yet. It is a softer area that is about one half centimeter in size. The location and size varies somewhat from woman to woman. A vaginal orgasm will usually occur if the G-spot is appropriately stimulated.
Figure 1, Internal Female Anatomy:

In summary, an orgasm is something amazing that will provide both partners with a wonderful rush of pleasurable feelings. The next list is a summary that can help you to help your female partner have orgasms regularly:
1) Women are touchy, feely people – use gentle stroking with your hands, lips and tongue.Be gentle, especially when touching her genitals, or rubbing her clitoris
3) Gently kiss her breasts to create excitement
4) Take it slow- it is not a race
5) Talk to your partner, find out what she likes
6) Be a tease- touching her pleasurable spots then withdrawing over, and over again. This will build arousal, and heighten orgasm.
7) Use your own natural lubrication to moisten her clitoris – however she may need additional lubrication, you can buy lubricants at any drugstore.
8) Be careful not to over stimulate some parts of the body – too much manipulation of the nipples or clitoris can cause pain
9) Experiment: try different things
10) Discuss anything new you may want to try and listen to her, you do not want to push her into something that will spoil the mood
Men should use this guide, because if their partner can enjoy orgasms every time they have sex, then you will definitely have more sex.
If you are an sexually unhappy woman – nag your partner to read this article, after all, your entire future is at stake!
Good Luck!
If this article has peaked your interest then just visit the link below:
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Secrets of Victoria Secret
I decided to join an online dating site a while back because I was having no luck in finding someone that I liked in the usual bars and nightclubs that I frequented. The first step of course was to create an online profile for the women to know about me. I was a successful businessman who had leveraged a small inheritance into a respectable fortune in real estate. I had never been married, and I was looking to settle down with someone special.
After a few weeks of chatting with a lot of elegant seeming women, I eventually found someone that I seemed compatible with. At first we just emailed each other, but that quickly lead to online chat sessions. Eventually we decided to have our first in-person date. We met at a not quite intimate restaurant. My first suggestions of more intimate venues were not to her liking. I finally realized that she was just being cautious. After this insight, I suggested a more family style restaurant in a large mall. She accepted immediately. Lesson learned!
I wanted to look presentable, so I got a haircut, and picked up a new blazer type jacket to go with my slacks. I hate the whole I could care less about you idea that some guys portray. I abhor the entire look of not shaving and looking scruffy that many men sport today. I think it is insulting to women. Mainly because it looks like she is not important enough for you to put yourself out for. I like to dress up for a date because it communicates to the woman that I care about her. It is a tacit compliment to them that if you fix yourself up, you must think highly of them. Before I ventured out the door for my date, I was looking as respectable as my budget allowed. I had showered, shaved and was dressed in my new slacks and blazer.
As usual, I was early for our reservations to make sure that there was no issues and waited for her to arrive. When she showed up, only slightly late, I was a bit amazed. She was pretty in her pictures, but in person she was even prettier, which is a trick that few women can pull off. But it was not her face that was so special. There is just something that some women have when they move that makes you want to praise God and sing halleluiah to his greatest accomplishment, the female body. Well, let me tell you, she had it in spades. She had a terrific body shape, but that was not what it was that was the attraction. It was her elegance when she moved that held they eye. It was an angelic flow of movement that you just could not get enough of. Every mans eyes in the place watched her as she moved across the room. Her figure was amazing, and her clothes had been selected to showcase that figure to it's fullest. I was tongue tied.
Normally I am not a guy who is enamored with large breasts, or a curvy body of any type. I am really much more attracted to a slim compact body. The same goes for butts, legs and everything else. There are always specific cases that belie my normal bias of course.Delta Burke was a woman who had a presence that could make me look past my 'heavy' bias to see the incredible beauty of the woman underneath.
Even though I am attracted to slim, I detest the anemia that tends to 'grace' the catwalks of the fashion industry today. Most of these women are just freaks. To me, a woman who has a trim body because she exercises is twice as sexy as a woman with large breasts that jiggle all over the place. My date on the other hand seemed to have the best of both body types and the disadvantages of neither. No wonder mens heads turned! I kept being attracted to her tight and toned body as she moved with the grace of a feline across the room. Nice rounded breasts, a slim torso, and a nice rounded rear end. Her rear was sort of like what a dancer would have. Muscular and tight. Truly a nice package to look at.
We ate dinner and really enjoyed each others company. Since it was a first date, I had not planned a lot of extra anything beyond the meal. We just lingered over the remains of our dinner and chatted. Eventually I took her home, and we kissed goodnight. As far as first dates go I would have scored it a nine out of ten. We planned to meet again the following weekend.
The ensuing weekend saw things go even better. On that Saturday we had brunch. Later we took in an afternoon cinema before going out for dinner. Later that night we went dancing. As we danced, I noticed that she felt a lot different than any other woman that I had danced with. I just put it down to the material in the clothes that she was wearing in conjunction with that tight body. The following weekend, we went out again. During the day we just walked through a park, and afterwards we did dinner and dancing. I could not believe how good things were going.
That night, we kissed, and that led to other things. While we were desperately ripping off each others clothes, I ran into some significant surprises. She was wearing a Victoria Secret triple push up bra with (I guess you would call it) mammary foam (rather than memory foam) that exaggerated her bra size significantly. But I was okay with that, because I am not a fan of large boobs anyway. But on top of that, the reason she was trim and tight was because she was wearing this thing called a body shaper. (I thought that girdles went out in the sixties with women's liberation – at least that is what my mother told me). When she took it off she actually had no muscle tone and some slight flab underneath. And as a final kicker, she was wearing a false butt! Holey moley, a body phony! She was a fake person! I felt betrayed!
Well that took the wind out of my sales and the stiffness out of everything else. I asked her how could we expect to have a future together when everything about her was a lie. I told her that if she had showed me how she really was, I would have fallen for her anyway. I said that preferred her the way she actually was, but she had crossed a trust line with me that I could not get over. We parted ways that night, which is a shame really. She was so perfect for me otherwise.
I just do not understand the way that some people go through life pretending to be something that they are not. But in hindsight, maybe it was actually a good thing that had happened. At least that avoided the embarrassment of me telling her that I was a car park attendant.
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