Thursday, December 29, 2011
Movies As A First Date
First Dates are always problematic. After all, your choice here is giving your new special someone some significant clues as to who and what you really are. Will you look cheap? Will you look like you are trying to impress her by spending too much money? The choice of date and venue really does say a lot about you, and you can bet your bottom dollar that the girl you are taking out is analyzing every bit of it like a dog chewing at a bone!.
The worst thing about a movie date can also be it's best thing. It is hard to talk during a movie. In fact it is frowned upon. So that is bad. On the other hand, it gives you both a chance to get used to being around each other without a lot of pressure on anyone's part to keep the conversation flowing. So that is good. Plus, when the movie is over, it’ll give you a chance to talk about the film, if nothing else is coming to mind. One strange phenomena about first date movies is that bad movies are actually better conversation simulators than good ones. A bad movie can provide the grist for several animated discussions on the movie night itself, and on other days.
Once you are at the movie, your next problem is what to buy for treats. A movie stalwart is popcorn, but is that the best choice? It has the advantage of being inexpensive, but the disadvantage is the propensity for it to stick in your teeth. Also, if your date wears dentures, then popcorn is a no-no. Consider chocolate candy like M&M's. Most women and most men like chocolate. For drinks, try to stay away from anything that is gassy or fizzy like soda pop because they will make you belch and that is not going to leave a favorable lasting impression. Most theaters will offer various types of non-carbonated beverages. One favorite is iced tea. No matter what your final decision is, remember that if you intend to also go out after the movie, then you might want to limit your eating while at the theater.
Good Movies
There are obviously movies that will put her in a romantic mood, and maximize your chances at first base. The first thing you should do is to ask her what she likes, and go from there. Scary movies are good, but not gory movies. You want her jumping and grabbing you, not vomiting into the licorice bag.
Three examples of good first date movies would have been:
1. Comedy –Any Bill Murray comedy – get her laughing! If she’s having a good time and smiling, you’ll have a good chance at holding hands.
2. Drama – Casablanca – pretty unbeatable. Unfortunately date movies this good are rare.
3. Romance – Princess bride – The perfect first date movie. Got me my first boob squeeze in the back of a theatre to this film.
That being said, here are some examples of first date movies that would classify as a bad idea:
Bad Movies
Stay away from movies involving tragedy! These would be examples of BAD choices:
1. Holocaust Movies – The Diary of Anne Frank would be horrible for a first date.
2. Sob Stories – Boys Don’t Cry – I made the mistake of taking a girl on a first date to this film. She just cried all the way home on the subway. Terrible. Great movie though!
3. Adventure Movies – Conan – Don’t go to any movie where the main actor is shirtless and muscular. Otherwise, you’re risking a comparison where you will not come out on top.
And for god’s sakes, don’t take her to a porn theatre! Sure, it gets your intentions across, but it’s a little strong for a first date. Watch Taxi Driver to see what happens when you try to pull that one on an unsuspecting young lady. Taxi Driver, by the way, would have been a bad choice for a first date movie.
Good Luck and have fun!
For more great advice, check out this link:
Relationship Advice For Men
Friday, December 16, 2011
BBW Sexy Ladies
Everyone has their own ideas of what sexy means.
The umbrella of "sexy" covers many ideals.
As society has changed, so to have ideals, examples and vision of what it is that defines sexy.
Sex, in general terms, was considered to be a not to be discussed in polite company topic.
Once movies became a big part of everyone's life, the idea of being seen with a large woman on your arm gradually became less in vogue with most men. Big Screen sirens were usually more willowy than most other women for their time. The reason was simple; cameras add pounds to anyone's form, so screen actresses tended to were slimmer in real life so that they would look normal on the screen. Slowly, the idea of sexy gradually shifted from voluptuous to thin.
There is now a shift in place that is changing the sexy ideal to larger sizes.
With plastic surgery, big boobs are more in style, even on skinny women.
Push up bras with even triple padding are hot selling items among younger ladies, but when their dates see them without clothes on, the the bare truth is revealed. Men are let down with push-up-bra types. Because of this, many men are increasingly look at more naturally enhanced women, so curvy is back in vogue. And on that note, who is more curvy than a big beautiful woman?
When you look back in time, curvy women were considered to be most desirable. Larger women were idealized as child bearers, and offspring were a need in nomadic and agricultural societies. Even in cave man days, small statues often idealized their goddesses as voluptuous women and in most cases these statuettes were more fat than just curvy.
The lyrics in "Fiddler On The Roof" (If I Was a Rich Man) which talks about Russian rural society at the turn of the twentieth century talks about a rich man's wife as having a proper double chin. In other words, for much of history, being portly was a status symbol, because it proved you had plenty to eat, and therefore must be well to do.
In the last half of the twentieth century, there has been a lot of immigration from many various ethnic groups into north America. With these people have also come the more traditional preference for larger families and more motherly builds. The curvy lady is back in vogue.
Who knows, maybe in a few more years, the most desirable porn queens will be big beautiful women. Mae West was certainly not in any way skinny, but in the early twentieth century she was most men's ideal of a sexy lady.
If you are interested in meeting and dating a BBW, or if you are a BBW looking to meet a man who will appreciate you for what you are, then you should check out this page.
BBW Dating Sites
There are also a lot of other dating genres out there, so for those of you who are not into BBW, this link is for you:
Top 100 Personals Sites
Friday, December 9, 2011
Tips For Online Dating
Online Dating Positives
One of the most amazing things that modern technology has offered to the human race is the entire new way that it is possible to meet someone new. Yes, I am talking about online dating sites. In the hundreds of thousands of years that human beings have been meeting and interacting with each other, there has never been anything that approaches the reach, the utility, and the convenience of online dating.
Up until recently, you were limited to whoever was in your immediate vicinity and social circle. Now, you can meet and woo anyone in the world. The most amazing thing is that you can look through what they say about themselves and shortlist a bunch of people that you are interested in that also have some things in common with you. On top of this, most dating systems have searching algorithms that will help you find all those people in the first place. It is just so amazingly easy.
Online Dating Negatives
However, there are downsides to online dating too. Nothing is perfect. For example, the hot young woman you think you’ve been chatting up online could be a 500 pound rat-catcher from Arsspik, Siberia. Or vise versa. Men and women both tend to post younger and more flattering pictures of themselves before they gained 40 pounds, and had more hair. You just never really know if the person you are interacting with is telling the truth. If they lie about their looks, they may also be lying about their current relationship status. Lots of married men and women troll dating sites. Make sure that you have your guard up!
The bigger dating sites will actually have millions of profiles for you to search through, and that is a curse! Even with the computerised help, the task is daunting. How can you zero in better? Of course if you are like me you just need to search for "deaf, dumb, oversexed female who owns liquor store"!
Further Online Dating Considerations
A name like THREEINCHTOOL is unlikely to gain you much positive attention after all. Chose something that you can mention in mixed company, or better yet, to your minister. Second, don’t give away too much personal information all at once. Slowly let the other person get to know you, and vise-versa. It’s safer. Use a throw away cell phone to establish verbal correspondence with them before meeting them in person for the first time.
Put up a recent photo of yourself, with your baldhead and all. Do not make the mistake that many people make on a dating site and present yourself as being younger, or with more hair than you actually have. How will you get past the first in person date if you lie about who you are or what you look like? However, don’t make the profile picture too sexy. Keep in mind everyone on the dating site will be able to save anything you put up. Never complain about your current situation or your ex. Nobody likes to listen to a complainer. If pressed, admit to making a few mistakes and that you think you have learned from them. Also, make sure that you have more than one person that you are talking to at the same time. So many people stretch the truth in online dating that getting your hopes up on one specific person before you meet them is most likely to end in disappointment. So join several sites, preferably under different online names, and have 4 or 5 people on your active friends list at any one time. It is okay to date more than one person at a time until you are ready to commit. It is expected!
When you finally decide to meet in person, plan the time and venue of your first date carefully. Choose a day date, first off. That way if you don’t hit it off, you can leave and still have your evening free. If you cannot find a time during the day to meet, then meet early on in the evening, and come up with some sort of alarm so you can make excuses and leave. Set your phone to alarm about 30 minutes into the date so you can pretend to take an emergency call and leave if things are not working out. Do not be afraid to inform them that you are seeing other people. If you appear to commit too early, it sends out a bad vibe. On the other hand, make it look like you are not a Lothario.
If you are lucky she will show up in her nurse naughty outfit and you just know you have your soul mate. Good luck!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Beach Date
You just gotta love the beach. It is a relaxing place to be, and everyone is their to have a good time. The beach becomes an even better place to be if you have the new object of your desires there with you. However, if you’re going to go for the beach date, there are some considerations to make. Here are some tips for a successful beach date.
First off, there are five things you MUST bring to the beach on your date. If you forget any for these, your day will be off to a lousy start that can only get worse. BSSWT is the mnemonic to remember. They stand for Blanket, sunscreen, shoes, water and towels. The sand and sun will be so hot, that without that stuff, you’ll burn, roast, and fail. However, once you’ve got all that stuff, you’ve got the basics covered. Now the advanced pros and cons to the beach date to consider.
The Good Stuff
The best things about the beach date are that it is inexpensive, and you get to see her in a bathing suit. A free look at your potential honey in her bikini is something that you should take advantage of! . Of course it you have wrap around dark sunglasses, you can discretely check out all the other hot bodies as well.
The beach date is mostly about swimming and just horsing around with your honey. Splashing and playing with beach balls and Frisbees is a lot of fun. It can always be awkward to get those first few touches or embraces with a woman, but if you’re playfully wrestling and splashing in the water, it’s a quick way to get those first touches out of the way. And remember that sun screen? Helping each other put that on is instant "rub your hands all over the other person's body" intimacy. Outstanding!.
The beach date is also great because you can stay and watch the sunset and have a picnic supper with her. This is very romantic, and if you have played your cards right all day, will lead to much more intimacy.
Cons to the Beach Date
One thing that is sure to spoil a beach outing is rain, cold weather or excessive wind. Check the long range forecast before you make the date if you are planning in advance. Even so, the forecast is likely to change, so have a change in venue if it turns out that the beach is a no-go for reasons of weather. Do one final check the night before because the weather will be pretty certain by then. Remember too, that the temperature at the beach is always a little cooler, because of the onshore breeze. Bring an extra sweater in case she gets chilly.
Sharks are always a potential threat to a good date. Don’t take her to Amity Island in New England. From the films about that place I’ve seen, beach-goers can have problems. ;-)
Nothing is as big a pain as a loud, obnoxious group of people close by. You know the type, rude, foul mouthed, and just show offs. Often pushing their weight around because they need to feel big for some reason. If you run into something like that, then just move up the beach a way to where it is quieter and more private. Remember that you may have to be mobile, so pack as light as you can.
Lastly, you have to expect a few muscle-bound hunks will be walking along the beach looking for women. These jerks ruin it for all the other dudes who have a beer belly or shoulder hair. Try distracting her when these guys are around, but if they keep coming by it will be obvious what you are trying to do. At that point, just let her have her fill of female type eye-candy. Likely she would not be going out with you in the first place if she was actually attracted to these muscle bound types.
If you have a good day, you may linger after most of the crowd has gone. This is the time when most people would think that you could have some beach sex. No matter what all the Hollywood movie story-lines tell you, making love on the beach is not likely to be all that enjoyable. Here’s why. Sex on the beach always involves sand. It’s coarse, and not what you want when you’re getting “slippery”. Plus, it’s not private, and gets cold fast once the sun goes down. Bring her home to bed – trust me!
Hope this helps, and remember the sunscreen!
For other helpful advice for men, check out this site:
If you main squeeze does not like the beach and you do, maybe you should be looking for someone new. If you are in that situation, then check out the link below for a list of the top Internet Dating Sites:
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