Friday, February 17, 2012
The Sleepover Kit
Once you start to date a woman on a regular basis, there comes a time when you are pretty much expected to sleep over. You should never have to depend on your lady to have a kit ready for you. I mean, what kind of person would always conveniently have a bunch of stuff kicking around for a stray man to use at her house? Sorta scary in a way! On that note, you should always go on a date fully prepared for a sleep over if the opportunity presents itself. All the goodies that I list hear can easily fit into a backpack or small tennis bag. This can be easily stored in the trunk of your car, and hopefully find a permanent home in her closet or under her bed at some later date. So see my example list below, tailor it to suit your needs, and make one up today, especially if you have a hot date tonight!
Something For Your Feet
Your girl may be a wonderful person to be with, but that does not necessarily mean that she is the worlds best housekeeper. On top of that, the floors in her apartment may be freezing in the winter. Pick up some cheapo slippers so you have something to slip on if you have to hit the john in the middle of the night. Nothing is worse than going back to bed with cold feet.
These are the most essential part of the kit. But get something more than just the lubed and non-lubed varieties. Get yourself some of the new fangled rubbers they’ve got out now. Have some laughs with it and mutually decide which ones you both like best. Unlike American Idol, even the losers in this tryout might have a lot of entertainment value!
On the same note as the slippers, you want to bring a gym suit in your sleepover kit. Likely she has no control of the temperature and most skinflint landlords turn it a lot lower at night to save money. She might only have one little blanket. Long story short, it’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. Otherwise, you’ll have to borrow one of her shawls.
Having fresh breath and a clean smile just makes sense. Nothing is less sexy than having a big piece of spinach stuck on your teeth. And since using someone else's toothbrush is just gross, take your own. Do not forget to buy a travel size tube of your favorite toothpaste as well. Might as well have at least some of the comforts of home.
Candlelight sets the mood. Also, hides your zits. Cheap and effective ambiance.
Brigitte Jone's Diary
This movie is one of the greats for getting a woman into a romantic move. So the idea here is to make sure that you have it handy for the next time that you are sitting around bored, there is nothing on TV, and the video stores are closed. Plus, it bears multiple viewings and is still good.
All-Purpose Romantic Card With Gift Card Inside
This is my innovation, and it’s a beauty. Pick up a romantic looking card that does not have any writing on it, but has a nice picture on front. Inside, you tape in a card to her favorite lingerie store You draw a big heart and write “All my love on this special day”. Make sure that the sentiment does not refer to any specific event. Then one foggy Christmas eve – well you will not likely forget Christmas, but you will likely forget the anniversary of the first day you met or something important like that. You are sure to be in the doghouse, then you remember the emergency card in your bag. You run to get it and give it to her. The crowd cheers! Tell your buddies.
Ear Plugs
No matter how pretty she is, there is a good chance that some day she will snore and keep you awake. Once again the sleepover kit comes to the rescue! Just make sure that you never use them while she is talking to you.
Sleep Mask
If you have worked late and need to get some shuteye in the morning, it is almost impossible if her room gets the first light from the sun. Use the sleep mask. Of course if her bedroom does not face east, you can always do some interesting role playing with the mask.
Something To Wear The Next Day
An emergency change of clothes is essential as well. I mean, after all, if you do not have spare clothes and something happens, you will have to dress in drag.
Sade Disk
Often musical tastes can differ, and this is OK most of the time. However, when it comes time to put on something to enjoy during sex, if she’s only got a bunch of Backstreet Boys albums, it can be hard to focus. No matter who you are, Sade can set the right mood.
It is always a good idea to have a book in case she has to go do something and leaves you alone in her room. It helps pass the time so you are not tempted to snoop around her digs. At the same time, when she sees you reading, it will make you look more suave and intelligent. Stay away from nudie books. Most women hate that. If you can stomach it, try bringing and reading the latest Nicholas Sparks book.
So, there you go. A great idea, easy to make, and invaluable.
For more advice, check out this link:
If you do not have a honey of your own yet to make a kit for, check out this link:
Friday, February 10, 2012
Will I Ever Get Lucky
Hi my name is Skippy, and no I'm not a kangaroo! I was just a love starved guy looking for a little lovin. I was always hoping someone would take a chance on me. Hmm – sounds like a broken record. Lol. Lol. Just kidding. So there I was, 27 and still haven’t had any. Thats right I said virgin, and I felt like I was the only one left in the world. It seems virgins are a dying breed these days. I told people I was saving myself for that special one. Its funny how losers always say they're saving themselves. For what? The end of the world? I once told a coworker that I was a virgin by choice. He laughed and said ”Thats like a homely person saying I'm pretty on the inside”. I kept saying that if something doesn’t change soon I might consider a sex change. Maybe then I could give it away. God I was horny (did I say that out loud)? Sometimes I felt so alienated from society. Everyone seems to be in a big hurry to go nowhere. No one ever noticed me. So almost every night, it was just me, my friend Lurch (god what horrible name) and my faithful dog Bobo.
Late one night my friend and I walked home from the neighborhood hotel. As we walked we were met by a couple of bullies shouting profanities at us. My friend said you guys better back off because were the members of a club, (ya the losers club). One of them responded, “Probably the hair club for men. Get em”. As we ran for our lives dodging beer caps and hard boiled eggs we decided to take a stand, but luck for once was on our side. It seems they had gone in the other direction. Lurch said it was lucky for them they went the other way or I don't know what I would have done (probably shit your self). Lurch tried to start a club for virgin males but no one wanted to join, guess his campaign slogan “Proud To Be A Virgin”, sent them running.
As we sat on my front porch one night watching the women walk by, seems thats all we ever did was watch, wondering how to make our lives more exciting, it came to me. I explained to my friend that I know someone who is involved in one of those online sites and he met some very nice women maybe we should give it a try.
Well we couldn't be happier,things couldn't be better for the both of us. We have met some wonderful caring women and, well I never kiss and tell, but I met the one, and I owe it all to a buddy who gave me this great link to check out. So if your tired of being alone and want to share your life’s experiences with someone then the link below can help you.
Online Dating Sites
Friday, February 3, 2012
If You Want More Sex, Treat Your Woman to an Orgasm
In Victorian times, most adult women did not have orgasms. In fact, most had no idea what an orgasm was. Generations of women were brought up with a lack of sex education, and usually believed that sex had to be painful, thus ensuring that the were not receptive to any form of pleasure. In fact a twin study ending in 2005 found that one third of women did not (or seldom) orgasm, and just one tenth always achieved an orgasm. As you can see, orgasms are rare or non-existent for many women. A woman who cannot have an orgasm has as frustrating a life as a man with an erectile disfunction.
So how can we change this, especially when most women now a days desire orgasms. Well let's begin by exploring what a female orgasm really is. Woman experiencing an orgasm is much like what men experience-there is a peak of sexual excitement, marking a moment of intense pleasure, and a throbbing, electric sensation that extends throughout the body. Rythmiccontractions take place within the pelvic area including the walls of the vagina. One key difference is that women do not have to have a recovery period, and will usually be able to have multiple orgasms with ongoing coital stimulation, usually within 60 to 120 seconds. In most women, there is no fluid ejaculated during orgasm. This is important for men to understand so that they understand that a woman can have a completely satisfying orgasm without ejaculating.
With the help of a skilled lover, most women can have multiple orgasms if they want.
Unlike men, women need the right conditions before they are able to orgasm. For instance:
1) They must feel appreciated, and wantedA sensual surrounding
3) A person they click with
4) Relaxed environment
5) The right degree if clitoral stimulation – not to rough, not too easy
You will unlikely simulate your female partner to orgasm without most of the previous conditions being met.
Men need to know that women will have different varieties of orgasms---the most common is orgasm of the clitoris. The clitoris can be stimulated by fingers or through oral sex. The clitoral orgasm can have fluid expelled or be dry, and results in contractions within the uterus . Another type of orgasm is called the G Spot. The G spot is tougher to zero in on: it is located about halfway between the back of the pubic bone, and the front of the cervix. In most women the G-spot is about 3 inches into the vagina, and near the neck of the bladder where it connects with the urethra. Gentle but firm pressure is required to find the G spot if the woman is not stimulated yet. It is a slightly more pliable area about 1/3 of an inch in size. The exact size and location can vary slightly from female to female. A vaginal orgasm will usually occur if the G-spot is appropriately stimulated.
Figure 1, Internal Female Anatomy:
In summary, sex is something very sensual that can provide both partners with a wonderful rush of pleasurable feelings. The following checklist can help your lady companion have orgasms regularly:
1) Women like affection---use your hands, and or mouth to caress her body. Be gentle, especially when touching her genitals, or rubbing her clitoris
3) Orally stimulate her breasts with kissing and gentle sucking
4) Slow and easy is the only way to win this race
5) Talk to your partner, find out what she likes
6) Women like you to tease them sexually – touch and withdraw many times. This will build arousal, and heighten orgasm.
7) Use your own natural lubrication to moisten her clitoris – however she may need additional lubrication, you can buy lubricants at any drugstore.
8) Learn her body- does her nipples get hard only during arousal or are they like that at other times
9) Try new things as variety can add to the pleasure
10) Don't make demands: this could spoil the moment
All men, can use this as a guide to helping your women have a more pleasurable experience, and helping her achieve many orgasms.
If you are an sexually unhappy woman – convince your partner to read this article, after all, your future happiness is at stake!
Good Luck!
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