Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Secrets of Victoria Secret

I decided to join an online dating site a while back because I was having no luck in finding someone that I liked in the usual bars and nightclubs that I frequented. The first step of course was to create an online profile for the women to know about me. I was a successful businessman who had leveraged a small inheritance into a respectable fortune in real estate. I had never been married, and I was looking to settle down with someone special.
After a few weeks of chatting with a lot of elegant seeming women, I eventually found someone that I seemed compatible with.  At first we just emailed each other, but that quickly lead to online chat sessions. Eventually we decided to have our first in-person date.  We met at a not quite intimate restaurant. My first suggestions of more intimate venues were not to her liking. I finally realized that she was just being cautious. After this insight, I suggested a more family style restaurant in a large mall. She accepted immediately.  Lesson learned!
I wanted to look presentable, so I got a haircut, and picked up a new blazer type jacket to go with my slacks. I hate the whole I could care less about you idea that some guys portray. I abhor the entire look of not shaving and looking scruffy that many men sport today. I think it is insulting to women. Mainly because it looks like she is not important enough for you to put yourself out for.  I like to dress up for a date because it communicates to the woman that I care about her. It is a tacit compliment to them that if you fix yourself up, you must think highly of them. Before I ventured out the door for my date, I was looking as respectable as my budget allowed. I had showered, shaved and was dressed in my new slacks and blazer.
As usual, I was early for our reservations to make sure that there was no issues and waited for her to arrive. When she showed up, only slightly late, I was a bit amazed. She was pretty in her pictures, but in person she was even prettier, which is a trick that few women can pull off. But it was not her face that was so special. There is just something that some women have when they move that makes you want to praise God and sing halleluiah to his greatest accomplishment, the female body. Well, let me tell you, she had it in spades. She had a terrific body shape, but that was not what it was that was the attraction. It was her elegance when she moved that held they eye. It was an angelic flow of movement that you just could not get enough of. Every mans eyes in the place watched her as she moved across the room. Her figure was amazing, and her clothes had been selected to showcase that figure to it's fullest. I was tongue tied.
Normally I am not a guy who is enamored with large breasts, or a curvy body of any type. I am really much more attracted to a slim compact body. The same goes for butts, legs and everything else. There are always specific cases that belie my normal bias of course.Delta Burke was a woman who had a presence that could make me look past my 'heavy' bias to see the incredible beauty of the woman underneath.
Even though I am attracted to slim, I detest the anemia that tends to 'grace' the catwalks of the fashion industry today. Most of these women are just freaks. To me, a woman who has a trim body because she exercises is twice as sexy as a woman with large breasts that jiggle all over the place. My date on the other hand seemed to have the best of both body types and the disadvantages of neither. No wonder mens heads turned! I kept being attracted to her tight and toned body as she moved with the grace of a feline across the room.  Nice rounded breasts, a slim torso, and  a nice rounded rear end. Her rear was sort of like what a dancer would have. Muscular and tight. Truly a nice package to look at.
We ate dinner and really enjoyed each others company. Since it was a first date, I had not planned a lot of extra anything beyond the meal. We just lingered over the remains of our dinner and chatted. Eventually I took her home, and we kissed goodnight.  As far as first dates go I would have scored it a nine out of ten. We planned to meet again the following weekend.
The ensuing weekend saw things go even better. On that Saturday we had brunch. Later we took in an afternoon cinema before going out for dinner. Later that night we went dancing. As we danced, I noticed that she felt a lot different than any other woman that I had danced with. I just put it down to the material in the clothes that she was wearing in conjunction with that tight body. The following weekend, we went out again. During the day we just walked through a park, and afterwards we did dinner and dancing. I could not believe how good things were going.
That night, we kissed, and that led to other things. While we were desperately ripping off each others clothes, I ran into some significant surprises. She was wearing a Victoria Secret triple push up bra with (I guess you would call it) mammary foam (rather than memory foam) that exaggerated her bra size significantly.  But I was okay with that, because I am not a fan of large boobs anyway. But on top of that, the reason she was trim and tight was because she was wearing this thing called a body shaper. (I thought that girdles went out in the sixties with women's liberation – at least that is what my mother told me). When she took it off she actually had no muscle tone and some slight flab underneath. And as a final kicker, she was wearing a false butt! Holey moley, a body phony! She was a fake person! I felt betrayed!
Well that took the wind out of my sales and the stiffness out of everything else. I asked her how could we expect to have a future together when everything about her was a lie. I told her that if she had showed me how she really was, I would have fallen for her anyway. I said that preferred her the way she actually was, but she had crossed a trust line with me that I could not get over. We parted ways that night, which is a shame really. She was so perfect for me otherwise.
I just do not understand the way that some people go through life pretending to be something that they are not. But in hindsight, maybe it was actually a good thing that had happened. At least that avoided the embarrassment of me telling her that I was a car park attendant.
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